Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Vintage Syndee Crafts 18" Doll Kit From eBay


Hi Doll Friends!!

So, just when I think I have 'seen it all' in the 18inch doll 'world'... I'm on eBay shopping researching and low and behold, what comes up? Syndee Crafts 18inch Doll kits. What?! How have I never heard of these?? I mean it appears they were made in... actually I have no clue when they were made but for whatever reason I have it my mind that they were likely released in the 1990s. Don't know why I get that impression and I could be totally wrong. Any of you know? 

So I have ordered three of the kits so far... The three dolls above are them finished. The very top one was actually put on an Our Generation doll body because I like that body style better. I happened to find that Our Gen doll at the thrift store and she had a defective eye and so I didn't feel bad at all about making her a body donor for the Syndee doll kit I had at home. 

Here are the 'tags' that came on the packages. If you look at the top one it says that the clothes were made with fabrics by Daisy Kingdom. That's the reason I keep thinking it was in the 1990s cos I seem to recall buying fabrics by that brand back then. 

So here is the first kit I put together. It's pretty straitforward in how you assemble. Obviously you have to buy some polyester stuffing to stuff the body. 

As you can see, there is a fabric body, five 'zip ties', two arms, two legs and a doll head. You just run the zip ties thru the slot in both the arm pit area and the hip area and then the neck. You stuff the body, I stuffed it REALLY heavy so it'd be sturdy when I tried to stand the dolls up. 

Here is how she looked when I had her mostly put together. I was testing out how well she could stand up and if I wanted to put more stuffing in. 

Here is the second one I did. I love her face best of the three I think but they are all pretty. 

It seems like this doll's face was quite a bit more 'shiny' than the other two. Not sure why? I love her pretty eyes!

This is the third kit I bought. She's the one I decided to put on the Our Generation body.

Here is the Our Generation body donor. 

What was strange on this doll was it like her hair had started to disintegrate in the package. Not sure if it was due to age or if she was stored in too much heat or what, but little bits of her hair got everywhere. So... I decided that was coming off and she was going to get new hair. 

Here she is after I sheared off her hair. 

I went into my bag of wigs... Yes, that's a thing I have... haha. I don't really buy wigs for specific dolls. I just buy wigs that appeal to me when great companies like Doll of a Kind have a sale. I always know that the right doll will come along to use the wig for and that was just the case here. 

So here she is all done. A total 'hybrid' because her head came from Syndee's Doll, her body from Our Generation and her wig from Doll of a Kind. I love how she turned out! 

My daughter says she 'looks like she's depressed' but I think she's pretty. 

So... Have any of you ever had one of these kits and put it together? I don't know for sure if the three that I bought are going to be the only ones I end up with... There are several other face sculpts and you know me, I'm a sucker for having one of every face sculpt in the 18inch doll world. Teehee. So, I'm certain I'll likely end up with more of these. Here are some photos (from eBay) of other face sculpts I've seen: 

Sorry I forgot to edit this and the photo below and have the whole screen shot from my phone but if I go edit them now I'll get distracted and may never get this posted. Haha! 

So that's it for now... Gotta run!


1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of these before!! Very interesting. I wonder if the shininess is a vinyl breakdown due to age? sometimes rubbing alcohol can take the shine down but don't use it near face paint! Great post!
