Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I'm a Wow Hair Color Change 14inch Doll And Outfits

Hi Doll Friends,

I tend to go on 'kicks' with regards to dolls... I go back and forth between 14inch dolls and 18inch dolls and back again. For a while recently, I was on a 14inch doll 'kick'. I have a few kinds in my 'saved searches' on eBay. Well, low and behold, what did I see recently in one of my searches?
A new in box I'm A Wow doll for a great price! 

If you recall, I got my first I'm A Wow doll after finding out about them. They are the 'Wellie Wisher' size little sisters of the I'm A Girly dolls. They are so cute! So, I had to get her. Then I also saw a couple of the outfits made for this size doll. Mind you, they are nearly the exact same size as Wellie Wisher or Glitter Girl dolls except thier feet are a tiny bit bigger. Which meant I didn't have very many shoes for them. So when I saw two outfits that came with shoes for $5 each, I picked them both up. 

So here she is on the far left. She's standing with a couple other new dolls I have in my collection. The one in the pink sweater and cream dress are two I don't think I have told you about. I will get that done eventually. The other two are my beautiful Ruby Red Dolls.

Here she is in her box. 

Along with the two outfits. 

Her hair is meant to be able to change color in the sunlight. What a neat feature! Here she is in the sun, see how the pink and purple are coming out?

So, if you run across one and wonder if you should get it? I highly recommend them!

Better run!



Friday, August 2, 2024

Glitter Girls Chrissy and Baking Vlog Set From Amazon


Hi Doll Friends,

I've been looking at the Glitter Girl Baking Set Vlog Set with Chrissy for a while now. Recently it went on sale and I decided it was time to check it out. 

It is such a great set! The dolls generally cost between $15 and $25 and this set, even at the full price, means you are basically paying the regular price for a doll and getting the whole rest of the set for $15 or so. So worth it! The accessories are so much fun and so plentiful! I highly recommend getting it if you're looking for a 14inch doll sized kitchen. It's got everything a kitchen has and accessories too. 

Here is how it comes, see below. 

I got it for only $27 with Amazon Prime. 

Look at all you get and you get a doll too!!

Such a cute set, I took some photos with it and some of my 14inch and smaller dolls. 

Isn't it cute!?

So get this set if you're thinking about it!
Maybe even if you're not. Haha.

Have a great weekend!