Friday, November 12, 2021

Leonie Takes A Walk On A Foggy Morning!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!

Happy Friday!
It has been far too long since I got out to take Doll Photos...
This morning while I was out on my walk it was very foggy out, just beautiful honestly. 
So when I got home, I grabbed Leonie and took her out to take some photos of her in the fog in one of my favorite local parks. 

Here are two photos I took out on my walk and as I was taking them I decided it was too pretty not to take doll photos too. 

I think I got some great shots of one of my most beautiful dolls.
 Isn't she gorgeous!!

Hope you enjoy the photos. 
Have a fantastic weekend!!




  1. I don't know where you took these pictures, but they are absolutely gorgeous! The scenery behind the doll mixed with the fog is just stunning.

  2. We bought this for my daughter this Christmas. I’ve never been taken with the AG faces like I did with Leonie. Beautiful!

  3. The fog is beautiful, and it makes for wonderful doll photos!

    I've been reading off and on for awhile, and seeing your photos reminds me to enjoy my own dolls more! Hope you are doing well.
