Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
My goodness it's been a while since I got here to post. Non-doll life has just been keeping me hopping lately. Just here to say a quick Hi, show you what I've seen at the thrift lately and...
Drum roll...
Tell you that my little blog here just reached 400K views this month!
Now, mind you, I've never been about the 'numbers', I write it because I enjoy it and love to share the doll love with all you wonderful people. However, it is always fun to reach that 'next milestone' and when I started writing this years ago if you'd have told me that I'd ever reach 400K views, I'd have thought you were bonkers. Yet, here we are. Also, mind you, I know that in the big scheme of the internet, 400K is not really that big a deal... It's not 'viral' or anything. Still, it's a lot of fun for me to realize that 400K times, one of you lovely Doll Friends has visited and read one of my posts. That's just cool. So... Thank you my dear dear readers!! You are what keeps me coming back to post and hanging on to my dolls for when I (I am determined!) get back to a less busy and chaotic season in life so I can get back into the swing of posting more often.

Just for curiosities sake, I decided I'd go see what the numbers are right at this moment since the 400K happened on October 3rd... And it's already gained another couple of thousand. The internet is a full blown trip. Just cool how it can connect people who love the same things. I love it.
So lately at the thrift... I actually haven't gone as much these last few weeks... Did I mention life keeps me running? But the other day when I went I was blown away by how many 18inch dolls there were at my favorite thrift store. Unreal!
This little lady was oh-so-tempting...
So was this one... She has some ink on her face but I'm guessing that some
zit cream might get it off.
And, while I've basically sworn off buying dolls because I honestly need to thin my collection and not add to it... I couldn't help myself. She was only $3.99 and she came home with me.
I also saw this cool slot machine bank. At the height of my collecting and scene setting and photographing this baby would've gone right into my buggy and come home with me. However, I don't have the space I once did and obviously not the time either so... I left it there. So cool though!
Then I was shocked to see this! It's the
Our Generation Movie Theater!! Oh boy was it ever hard not to bring this home but... I don't have any place to store it. But it is SO COOL! Maybe someday...
When I went to get the link for the movie theater what did I see?!?!
Oh. My. Goodness.
That is SO COOL.
Oh to have the room to store such a thing.
Again, maybe someday.
Now I know this is totally not doll related but look at these beautiful doilies I saw at the thrift as well. So so so pretty! I didn't buy any but I was tempted even though I have no reason on earth to even own such a thing. I don't even have a china cabinet anymore and the days of my collecting stuff I need to dust has long since past. Still, so pretty!
Ok fabulous Doll Friends, I better run! Thanks again for your readership! It means so much to me that ya'll so faithfully come and check out my little blog here. Ya'll rock!
Have a great weekend!