Saturday, June 8, 2019

Inconsistent But Wanting To Get Back In The Swing Of Things...

Hi Doll Friends!!

Happy New Year!!
Oh... Wait... 
How is it June already?!?

I don't know what it has been about 2019 but it's been a turbulent year for me for some reason. I've kind of fallen out of healthy habits I've had for years and it's taking it's toll... On my moods, my housework and, obviously, my little blog here. Ugh. What habits? Daily Bible reading, walk and yoga all completed before anything else are the main ones I've been inconsistent with. I started skipping the Old Testament parts of the Bible (I read the One Year Bible every year, this is my fifth year) and in the last few weeks, I've missed whole weeks. Yoga I've actually been consistent showing up on the mat save maybe five days when I was dog sick this year, but I practice less and less long until some days it's like 7 minutes total. My walk...? Again, I do 'show up' but don't walk as long etc... Rambling... 
*glances over last paragraph and considers just deleting it but then decides not to... lol*

So... I've been inconsistent here too. Earlier this year I started a project aimed at opening an Etsy Shoppe. I made a quite a lot of inventory but then... Lost steam. I have all of the items in a box but when I think of getting all the dolls dressed into them to model them for the Etsy store I get overwhelmed for some reason. (Maybe I should've photo'd a bit at a time...?)
So, there they sit. 

I've got approximately 8,675,309 projects 'in the works' in my head and in various stages of being done and the number keeps rising, not falling...  LOL

So... I come here to say I'm sorry I've been flaky and am hoping to get back in the swing of things soon... The photo on this post is of the Doll Room, the 'rooms' portion and I've been working on it for the first time in months to get it ready for some doll photos. So I am working on the blog 'behind the scenes', I'm just getting slow about getting here to do posts. Another thing that happens is I'll post some photos to YouTube or Instagram and then, in my mind, that 'project' gets marked off as done in my mind and I forget to make the blog post! Oy vey! Modern life is a trip in that there are so many modes of communication it's a part time job just staying on top of all of them. Eh? 

My plans for the weekend are to work on the blog quite a lot I hope... So... Hopefully I'll be back soon with some more posts. In the meantime, have a great weekend!


PS I hid a little song reference in here... let's see who gets it. Heehee

1 comment:

  1. I caught your song reference. That is a very clever! I had fun looking for it. I don't want to tell which song so others can have fun finding it. Sending prayers. 2 Timothy 1:7 helps me when I feel overwhelmed.
