Greetings Doll Friends!
Just a quick hello here to show you what I've seen lately at the Thrift Stores...
As you may know, if you've read my blog long, porcelain dolls are really not my 'thing'. I mean I usually think they are pretty and that they have pretty clothes but a doll that can't be played with seems sort of... odd to me. To each their own, I know lots of people love them. Although the alarming amount of them I see at thrift stores speaks of the hobby growing out of fashion sadly... I say sadly because all 'doll love' is good in my opinion. So, since they are so plentiful and not my thing, I normally don't even bother to photograph them or even notice them usually because they are usually in a different part of the store than the regular 'play dolls' I have always looked for. However... this time... Right by the register... There was this whole rack full of some gorgeous porcelain dolls. A few of them were ginormous too! The largest was like three feet tall!

That would be this one... They marked her $99.99 and I'm a tiny bit skeptical that they will get that for her but you never know. This isn't my type of doll so I have no clue as to the 'value' of them. I had to take photos of them because they were just so pretty though. I couldn't help but thinking it would be nice to have these same sculpts in play dolls. Haha. Cos we all know I need more dolls. Or not.
See? Isn't she just lovely?
Ands he came with a white rabbit even. Maybe she's Alice In Wonderland?
I didn't think to take photos of many of the tags cos it was right by the register and I was on my way out and to an appointment and I didn't have much time. This one had her tag right there though so as you can see she is a Seymour Mann doll. I just googled her and sure enough, she's Alice In Wonderland with her sneaky white rabbit.
This one had an interesting sculpt... She looks so uncomfortable in her box!
I honestly don't think any of them had ever been removed from their boxes... Which seems a bit sad. Why buy a beautiful doll and keep her boxed up in a closet somewhere and never even see her. Here is me saying this when I know some of my dolls have been boxed up in storage for a while now so I get it. But still, at least they've been unboxed once upon a time... Open your dolls folks!! Maybe it decreases their 'value' but... Why not enjoy them? Just my opinion.
Another pretty doll... I am betting she is Goldilocks but am not sure.
Just look at that beautiful dress!
I couldn't really get a good photo of this one the way she was in her box but you can see how pretty she was...
Got a photo of her tag though...
And same story here... Such pretty eyes on this one!
Here is the whole display of them. The photo doesn't really convey how large the ones on top are but trust me, they were big dolls!
Had to take a photo of the tag on this one... Makes me wonder if she'll sell for the $99. or if she'll sit till she goes on half price... OR if she will somehow make it to 99cent day... I doubt it but if she did I'd be tempted to scoop her up on pure principal so lets hope she sells at the half price. Hahaha!
There are a few I didn't get time to photograph,.. Just didn't have time. I'm betting this was someones whole collection.
As you can see, there were quite a few 18inch dolls at the store this day (see top shelf).
Again I was in a hurry so I just took a quick snap of groupings of three of them...
Here is one of those creepy talking dolls... Just... Why? LOL
A package of doll shoes that actually rode around in my cart for a few minutes... I ended up putting them back though... I have boxes and boxes of doll shoes even though all my dolls have a pair on their feet so... Despite there being some really cute ones in there (I almost bought for the Wellie Wisher boots!) I decided to leave them behind for some other doll collector who might need shoes for her dollies.
I found this little fella interesting... He's about the same size as my other
'baby sibling' dolls...
His face seems so sad!! Poor guy.
He had sculpted hair and his little outfit seemed to be 'part of him' and not removeable.
Here is the mark on back of his head.
And his tag... he's a Uneeda Baby doll made in 1998.
This was another HUGE doll... I'd guess she is from maybe the 1950s?
Don't ask me why I say that... Just a guess.
She is also a Uneeda Doll company doll.
This was a cute little doll... I think she's made of vinyl... It seems like my daughter might have had one of same sort once...
This tea set was cute...
And once upon a time I would've bought these for the
Doll Sweet Shoppe but... My stuff has been packed up for so long and I doubt I'm going to have the time and space to set that up in the near future so... I left them there.
The one thing I did buy was this little grab bag of dolls for $2.99. Most of them were
McDonalds Madame Alexander Dolls. My daughter used to have a huge collection of these! I think they got donated to the thrift at one point or another and they made me nostalgic so... I was weak and bought them. LOL They'll make fun dolls to add to my
Dolls Doll Collection. Eh?
These two were also in there... Aaaaand they got donated right back before I left the store.
Well Doll Friends, have a great weekend!
I hope you find all manner of fun stuff at your thrift store! Tell me about it in the comments (that I always always read but just never seem to find time to answer... I appreciate all of them though!!)