Friday, March 22, 2024

Brinn's Vintage Clown Dolls and Thrift Store Sightings


Hi Doll Friends!

Long time no write! I think probably the longest break I've taken between posts since I started my blog in earnest nearly ten years ago. Life just seems to get busier and busier and I have been pulled into my other hobby of card making when I have time to hobby at all. I've been very busy leading several LifeGroups or studies at church and just doing life. 

A few months ago, I found these clown dolls and I bought them for my daughter because she collects clown dolls. I was able to get them for 75% off and so paid only $2.50 for each of them.
 She loved them. 

Then at the same thrift store I saw the American Girl Doll Horse Carriage. It was huge!! Once upon a time I might have tried to buy it but I really don't have anywere to store that sort of thing. Still, it was neat to see it. The rest of the photos are other doll items I've spotted out and about when I've had the chance to visit thrift stores. It was really fun to see the Daisy Kingdom doll (The very bottom photo). I had one many moons ago but gave it away at one point or another. The one I had had a different face sculpt but it was released at the same time. 

Anyway, just had a moment here so I have to run!
Don't forget, enjoy your dolls! I know I haven't written much in a while but I will always always always love dolls!



  1. Wow, you do have good deals in your thrift stores! Julie's 1970s bed is a very good price. I find it amazing how young girls just give their things away so quickly. I kept all my childhood dolls and toys.

    1. Yes, too good! I am out of room! So I have to force myself not to buy most of it. It helps taking photos to show on my Blog though.
