Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Grace Thomas Comes To Live At The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutation Doll Friends!

Good Golly, we are six days into August already?! How is that even possible! My kids go back to school a week from tomorrow even. Time flies!

So this past week I was on Facebook (tsk tsk, what a time suck that is!) and my local 'buy sell trade' had a post come up in my feed about a Garage Sale coming up over the weekend in my town. Woot! I love garage sales! So I click the photo to see what else they might have and low and behold what do I see? American Girl Dolls! Three of them even! So I asked her what she'd be charging for the dolls and she said from $25-$45 depending on the doll. She had a Grace Thomas doll and she looked to be in good shape! So I asked her how much she wanted for her. Naturally she was the $45 one. LOL But I still knew I was getting a good deal especially if she was in good shape. So... I asked if I could buy her ahead of the sale. I was delighted when she agreed! So we met at a store parking lot and before I knew it Grace Thomas was mine! 

She is nearly perfect! Like she was only played with a little bit but mostly stored or something. Awesomeness!!!!

Grace was the Girl Of The Year the year that I really started blogging here in earnest and so I have always kind of wanted to add her to my collection. So, mission accomplished! 

See? She's in perfect shape! All I needed to do  was brush out her wig!
So yesterday morning was beautiful and I decided I'd take her out for some doll photos. 

Here they are! Much more to blog about but am sadly out of time to do so right now! I also made a YouTube video of same photo session but it has a gaggle more photos than I am posting here. You can find it here

Better run!


  1. Grace is a sweet little doll. I had no idea her eyes were so vibrant! Congrats on obtaining her.

  2. Congrats! Grace is one of my all time favourite GOTY dolls!!!!!

  3. I've been reading through your blog and arrived at this post! So happy to see Grace! My first Grace is still my favorite doll, along with all the others. I've given her new green eyes though.
