Friday, August 9, 2019

Another Thrifted American Girl Doll!

Doll Friends!

It must be my lucky month because I found another American Girl Doll this week at Goodwill! She was only $19.99!! I have her all cleaned up and she is actually in my most current store window because I just had to show her off...! Then the desk, in the photo above, I bought a while ago but can't recall if I showed you? It was only $3.99 and will match so well with the other furniture in Heather Doll's Bedroom

I also found this Madame Alexander doll for only $1.99. She's quite a mess and I haven't had a chance to fix her up yet but I will... I think she's got a sculpt I don't think I've seen before from Madame Alexander...? I'd love your thoughts? 

I also got this bag of Build a Bear clothes for only $2.50! There was a tshirt in there that I think is worth that much... So, good deal!

Then there is the stuff I left behind...

This fountain was amazing but very heavy and I'd already spent my fun money for that day and so it stayed there...

A Disney Princesses Doll. I had some of these but weeded them out because they were a totally different body type and therefore clothes style than my other 18 inch dolls and... I only have so much room. 

Then I saw this cute dance studio for the small dolls but... 
Space! Only so much!
Gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. No fair, I never find American Girls at my local thrift store! LOL, you got a couple'a pretty ones there!
