Friday, October 4, 2019

Saila And Patti Doll's Go To University of Nebraska!

Hi Doll Friends,

As I mentioned recently, my job now takes me out on the road two days a week and I've been getting in the habit of taking dolls along with me in case I happen to make it by any interesting places for photos... Last week I took Saila and Patti along and ended up being on the University of Nebraska campus for business and... Figured I'd have to take some doll photos there since it was so pretty!

Go Big Red!!

I also brought along this cute City Pals doll but she wouldn't stand well when I was at the campus... Earlier in the day though I was at a grocery store in Lincoln and took these photos there...

Saila was the only one in most of them because the wind wasn't cooperating with me at all... See how her hair is tied back... That's why! It kept blowing into her face!

This was inside the grocery store... They had this adorbale play grocery store for kids to play on when their parents are eating at the little diner they have in the store... So cute! I had to take a photo of Saila with it even though the scale is way off... 

She looked adorable in the steps of it though!

Better run! I've posted like four posts today but I am trying to catch up... Since my job changed so drastically I've been having a harder time getting here to post as much as I want to... So when I find the time, I jump on it.

Love ya'll Doll Friends!

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