Sunday, May 2, 2021

Madame Alexander Kindness Club Harper 14 Inch Doll From Amazon!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends,

"Hello, my name is Heather, I am a doll-aholic"

Let's be clear, I am not trying to make light of anyone with a 'real' substance abuse issues
However, I think that dolls are a very real 'addiction' of mine because I can't seem to stop buying them.
Online shopping doesn't help matters, let me just say. 
Amazon has their 'suggested items' spider web for instance. They know what you like and so they suggest other items that are similar... Then they make it easy to watch said items with their wish lists. Dangerous!
So that's how I found out that Madame Alexander had added their own doll to the 14inch doll market last year. I threw my favorite one, Avi, on to my 'list' but I didn't plan on buying her because I was 'not buying any more dolls!!' and they were on the expensive side compared to Glitter Girls although not at all compared to Wellie Wishers. However, Amazon and their suggestions... They recently made me aware of an alternate Kindess Club doll being on sale for $18.80!! Like less than half the regular price!! Well... As you can see, that was too good a deal to pass up. I mean she wasn't the exact doll I wanted but she is still adorable and would allow me to add this gorgeous face sculpt to my collection! 

So here she is! Isn't she adorable?!
I didn't fully appreciate how lovely the face sculpt was until she arrived. 
Well done Madame Alexander!

She arrives in this really nice display box. 

The back of the box shows some of the line but only four of them. 

Here is the sides of the box. 

Here she is out almost out of the box...

She had the standard clear band ties holding her into the box. 

She also comes with this little insert inviting you to join the Madame Alexander Doll Club
Maybe someday I'll join and tell you all about it. 

Here is the photo of the whole group of Kindness Club I took off of Amazon. 

It's strange, the pricing discrepancy between the different members of the club. I'm not sure what the reasoning is but they run from $18.80 to nearly $50! So strange. 


I'm glad I bought her, she's so pretty! 

She comes wearing this cute little sequined jacket, a little dress, socks and shoes. 

She has blonde hair with a pink stripe in it and blue or nearly violet eyes. 

Here is the stamp on the back of her head. It says '2020 Madame Alexander'.

Here she is in her little dress after I took off the little jacket. 

**WARNING!! Doll Nudity in next photo!!**

You've been warned.


Her body is made out of all plastic with arms and legs are poseable. She comes in this little pair of white undies. 

She fit into the outfit that came on my most recently purchased Glitter Girls Doll Charlie that I got last August but realize now, after looking, that I never wrote about her. I had her in this post about Zita Elements Clothes for 14inch Dolls but poor dear never got her own post. 

In any case, this is her outfit and it fits Harper pretty well. I think her feet would probably be too big for her shoes if they didn't have open toes. 

Here is Charlie in Harper's outfit, it also fits pretty well although it's a bit loose, especially the shoes. 

Aren't they cute in each other's outfits?

So, I'm glad that she came to live in the Doll House. 

As a side note, I was able to resist another doll that currently has a really good price...

Kindred Heart Paige was on sale for $14.06 and then...

They put her on sale even cheaper for $13.27!
So far I haven't given into the temptation to buy her because I already own two Paige dolls that I've customized. This newer version has more make up on her face and I am tempted to buy her so I'll have one Paige as she comes with dark hair but...
So far, I've been good. 

Better run!


1 comment:

  1. It's funny the outfit and shoes that came with the Glitter Doll fits your Harper. I purchased a couple of outfits for Glitter Girls directly from Amazon. After trying the sandals which are similar to yours and find they don't fit at all. I gave the outfits to my Paola Reina Las Amigas dolls (13"). They can wear the shoes, but the straps won't fasten. I wonder why the difference in size? Thanks for the post on Harper. Very nice!
