Sunday, May 30, 2021

Vintage Sissel Skille Gotz Doll Thrift Store Find!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!

As I told you in my last post about a vintage Gotz Doll find I found two that day!
Finally getting here to show you the second one. This one is so beautiful and I just love her!

She is, I think, 19inches tall, and is in fabulous shape! She came in her box and, just like the other one, I got her for $14.99. Where I said I will likely sell the other one who is numbered, I am more than likely going to keep this beautiful doll for my own collection. 

She's got such a beautiful face sculpt made by Sissel Skille and I am so glad I will have her in my collection. There is more information about her specific sculpt in this blog post. 

She came in her beautiful meet outfit of a little navy blue coat with a white dress and tights under. 

I know my posts are rather short with regards to writing of late but I've been working overtime at work for a few months and... Well, there is only a finite amount of hours in a week! I am also so sorry I've been horrible about answering the sweet comments and questions I've gotten in my comments section... I read them all, I've just been dismal at getting a chance to answer. So, I am sorry about that. I'm hoping that someday soon, my life will slow down and get more peaceful and I'll have more time and will get a chance to go back and answer them all. In the meantime, thanks for your readership and for any and all comments you've made! Means so much to me!

Better run!