Hi Doll Friends!!
Being a member of several different Doll Groups in Facebook, I tend to hear the 'latest' news in all things 18inch doll related rather quickly. Or in any case, I hear it eventually.. Case in point? A doll friend on Facebook mentioned and showed a photo of a very cute 14 Inch doll from Big Lots. She mentioned the brand name was 'Style Girls' and I was even more intrigued.
If you've read my blog here for a while, you may remember I have a few Style Girls in my 18inch doll collection that I found at Aldi during Christmas season 2013. That was the height of my daughters love of 18inch dolls and so I bought three of them as friends to the AG Saige doll she was getting from her Grandma and Grandpa. All of my daughters dolls now live in the Doll House until she decides she's not too old to play dolls again... (Note I say that like it's absolutely going to happen... But I can hold out hope, right? Teehee) However, outside of seeing the doll clothes a few times at Tuesday Morning, I'd never seen them again.

So, naturally, the next time I was in town, I had to run to Big Lots to see what they looked like in person. And sure enough, there they were and such a variety of different girls they had too! I actually 'only' have two Style Girls now because I got rid of one when I had a doll purge once... She'd gotten a really bad stain from a dress with black dye in it and... Well, I gave her to Goodwill. Doll regrets! Now that I know the zit cream method I might've been able to fix her right up. Anyway, I digress. However, since I have so many dolls in the Doll House (around 150 is the number I try to keep it to) I probably won't get another one. However, they also have accessories and clothes!!
I was in a huge hurry when I stopped in because I needed to get back to work from my lunch hour that day but... I snapped a photo of each of the dolls I saw. This one is a bit blurry but you can see her pretty green eyes.
I have this little gal, mine is named Isla and she has been rewigged with a purple and black wig... As I type that I realize I probably haven't posted a blog about that makeover! So, I'll have to tell you about that soon but trust me, she's gorgeous!!
The eyelashes on the right hand side of this dolls face were a bit wonky. So my advice is, if you can, go to store to pick out your doll. But otherwise, their eyes are so pretty!
If I did buy another one, I suspect this little gal would be her. Isn't she pretty!
This one seemingly has a bit more narrow face sculpt. It makes her look a bit older, I think?
Here is the back of the box showing their names.
They had little clothing sets for $7 but this fox one was the only one left... So naturally bought it because what a cute top!! It's on Isla as I type this, I just haven't had a chance to take a photo of her in it yet. So, two reasons to make a post about her!
They had a sleeping bag set that would make a cute gift.
And a vet set... (Sorry it's blurry, did I metion I was in a hurry? Oh look! That rhymed. LOL)
They had pets for the dolls.
And carrier bags...
And even ponies!! A whole doll line! It looks like 'Play Zone' make them now and I am not sure that was the case when I got mine in 2013?
I didn't think they had any of the 14inch dolls in stock because they weren't in same area as the others Style Girls I saw... Then I saw the three they had left on an endcap. They had Piper and Quinn but were out of Skylar. I surprised myself and didn't buy one... I am eagerly (and somewhat impatiently) waiting for Target to finally put out the Glitter Girls I've been hearing about for weeks on my Doll Groups discussion page. Another case of a store doing a dismal job of releasing a new toy line. They've had some store put them out on the shelves weeks ago and sent samples, apparently, to prominent doll bloggers... (which is awesome, don't get me wrong) They should release it all at once! Right? I digress. My point is that I plan to buy one (or two?) of those when they do eventually hit my stores and... Well... A girl can only have so many dolls, right?
However, I don't know if I can hold out from buying this little gal eventually because she's cute and her outfit is totally adorable!! That unicorn!!
So stay tuned because I'll be back to show you the outfit and Isla in her new hair. I hope this finds you looking forward to a relaxing weekend!!
Till next time!
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