Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
I am so excited to tell you all about an 18inch doll company that I only heard about on the Mommy & Gracie YouTube Show last week. The company is called Girls Of Faith and they are dolls whose characters are Christians! They each come with a story book of a great story about each doll and her journey with the Lord thru a particular season in her life. As a Christian and Jesus follower myself I love love love the idea! I was determined I'd love them even before I got mine because I just adore the idea behind them.
My sweet Audrey doll arrived Thursday and she is amazing down to the last detail! Then, as if them being a Christian company with dolls based on Christian girls and being well wasn't enough, they are made in the USA!!! Mind you, they are made with some foreign components (like their outfits) because if you had them made in the US they'd have to charge a whole lot more than the $99.00 price. Given the quality and beauty of this doll, I think she's worth every cent. She even smells good!! She smells exactly like my My Friend Mandy and Jenny dolls did when they were brand-new back in the 1970s! Isn't it crazy how your olfactory senses can take you to another time and place? People probably think I am crazy but when I go to book stores one thing I love to do is to open books and take a whiff of that 'new book' smell. I digress.
Here is what her box looks like... Very sturdy and a great box to store your doll in when you're not playing with her!
Here's the label a little closer up.
Each doll comes with a story book about the doll. Currently there are two dolls available, Audrey like you see here and Hannah. Audrey is a modern character and Hannah is a historical character. There is a third doll in production right now to be released soon. I've already decided that I am throwing my full weight behind this company so I will be buying both Hannah and the newer doll in the future.

Here are the three dolls. Aren't they amazing! (I borrowed this photo from the Internet)
The two women who started the company designed the dolls from head to toe. One of them even created the face sculpt out of clay!! She should really take that up for a living, being a doll sculpt designer because the sculpt on this doll is just gorgeous!
Audrey comes in a red hoodie, a white tank top, jeans, pink panties and silver glitter 'Toms' shoes.
She was pretty happy it was time to get out of her box!
So beautiful!
A nice shiny wig!
Her eyes are not 'sleep' eyes, meaning they stay open all the time like Journey Girls dolls.
Speaking of eyes, hers are gorgeous! Hazel eyes are kind of rare in the Doll World and hers are some of the prettiest I've ever seen.
She's got a cloth body much like American Girl or Our Generation dolls do.
However, her arms are bent at the elbow more than the majority of 18 dolls... Which reminds me of the Life Of Faith Dolls a little bit. I love it because I think I'll be able to fold her hands in prayer in photos... That would be sweet.
I took the initial photos with her in her 'Meet' outfit. However, being as it's July in Nebraska... It was a bit 'warm' for the weather outside.
So I changed her into a more summery outfit.
Here she is outside enjoying the beautiful day!
By the tree...
One thing you may notice if you're a doll afficianado such as myself is her amazing poseability! I'll take more 'review' type photos later and post in a second post so you can see more what I mean.
I just had to come and show her off as soon as I could get the photos edited and uploaded!
Because I just love her. I know I know... I say that about all the dolls.
And I mean it every time. Teehee.
By the garden fence...
Since it's nearly back to school time I decided some classroom shots in the Scenes & Settings would be fun.
Waving to her friends...
Here she is in the kitchen for a snack after school.
*Side note, the window in the scene is a 'winter' scene... So I added a spring window over the top. I think it looks perfect! (wel, other than the little bit of curtains you can see coming out at the bottom but... Unless you're looking for them they don't really stand out.
And a walk after her snack...
So prepare to see Audrey in many upcoming photos!! I don't think I am going to keep her name Audrey, by the way. Lately I've been 'keeping' the name of most of my premium dolls... Sadly Audrey is a name that has played a large part in my life but mostly a sad part. So... I'll have to think of an alternative. Any suggestions? I'll have be considering it.
Better run if I am going to be on time for Church!
Have a wonderful week Doll Friends!
Cool! I wonder if these dolls have any sort of connection to the Life of Faith line with their bent arms? I may have to look further into this line.