Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
So... As I've indicated with my last several posts, 2019 has been a rough year... The last six months especially. I've been doing my best at treading the waters of the storms that keep rocking my ocean, if you will, but with only marginal success more often than not. My poor little doll blog has suffered dreadfully from it. I am slowly beginning to see things turn and can see a light at the end of a very long dark tunnel though and am hopeful that 2020 will be much much better. To be honest, I've been sunk into a depression, really, for months and months. It's only as I start to come out of the fog of it that I can realize exactly how dense the fog had become. Yikes. But it's nice to be coming out of it and slowly becoming myself again.

During my dark months of depression, one thing I that brought a small measure of light was to stop into thrift stores and hunt for doll sized treasures. I'd buy them, bring them home, and add them to the pile of things that I would get posted 'someday'. It was honestly telling that I had hope enough to buy them, like deep in my soul somewhere I knew it would be temporary even if I couldn't feel it at the time.
So... I finally pulled out the rather alarming amount of bags I'd accumulated in my thrift-purchases-to-show-my-sweet-doll-friend's-pile the day after Christmas. It was fun to dig into all of it, like a second Christmas really... So, I might have inadvertently included something here that I've shown you before....? I think this is all stuff you haven't seen but just in case I am wrong, sorry for the repetition.
I love love love
small books! I have so many! But I can't resist them when I see them anyway. I love books in 'real life' size too so how can my dollies not have a proper library?! All the little Christmas books you see here were 25cents each this summer at a garage sale. I love love love the Nancy Drew one!
I have several of these small tea sets... They are actually the right size for the
dolls dolls. I need to pull them all out and see what all I have in total because several of the sets have a broken item or two. One thing at a time.
So much stuff!
These are all ceramic and doll sized... I plan to put them in a doll room on a shelf as a 'collection' of one of the dolls. Aren't they cute?! For only 50cents, how could I not?
These little quilt 'wall hangings' will make fabulous quilts for the doll house.
I love quilts!
All these shoes for only $1.00!! I love my little towns thrift store!
Poor baby on the right is pretty much done-for... Not sure if I'll even try and do anything with the poor dear... I might just exchange the head with the one on the left... Especially if the 50c written on the forehead won't come off. Brown eyed Circo
babies are more rare than the blue eyed ones and so...
A whole bunch of plates... I bought them because they were priced as sets and so cheap. Sometimes they'll price by the 'eaches' and I generally leave those type at the thrift shop.
These clock ones would make fabulous ones for a New Years Eve party at the Doll House. I'll have to see if I can pull of a small one so I can use them.
Sushi Plates!! How could I not when I have
doll sized sushi? I also have the My Life As Doll Sushi set but perhaps I didn't make a post about it? Golly... So many balls dropped over the last year. Yikes.
These square plates are neat, eh?
Couldn't turn down that Build-A-Bear Christmas shirt... They are not a perfect fit for the dolls but the shirts
work pretty well as is and other can be altered.
This made my day the day I found it... It was one of the last things I found at that store and, after finding it, you can bet I went back thru the entire store to make sure I hadn't missed any others!
Here is what was inside!
I've researched and I think that the outfit is actually a Bitty Baby one but the shoes and headband are for the 18inch dolls and the clothes will work for them too. I'll have to take a photo of a dolly in the outfit for you. I love the shoes!
The charm was even in it! Still sealed shut!
I've been on a bit of a doll sized bear spree apparently. So many people seem to be dumping their entire Boyd Bear collections and their Ty Bears too. When I find them for a dollar or less (or sometimes a bit more if I really like the Boyd Bear) I can't help but buy them. I love Teddy Bears and so should Heather Doll, right? Haha! If you look close though you'll see I also found an
American Girl Doll Bitty Baby Bear too! Score! I think he was only 10cents!
Boyds Bear Mohair Bear is probably my favorite of all of them! It's like the old school bears back in the olden days. He's not 'soft, but rather has a sort of hard body and I love him!
And this mini Boyds is pretty fantastic too! I'm sure if when I get my store open, I'll be selling bears for the dolls there too(and in the Etsy Shoppe that will be part of my business...) so I'll keep buying them when I see them!
This cute little table was $3.00! The little sculptures were too cute to pass up. I think they'll make great decor when I have asian themed parties for the dolls!
Well, I'm out of time. If you have questions about any of the stuff I posted here, please do ask, I am happy to share! I just sometimes forget to mention details or don't have as much time as I'd like but I don't ever want to leave you with questions either!