Sunday, June 17, 2018

Bracelets As Knecklaces For Your Dollies!!

Hi Doll Friends!

I've been meaning to write this post for quite some time now... It just kept getting pushed back in the 'blog idea queue' because other ideas would come to mind and I'd act on them first. What can I say? I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of a girl. 

So, here I am, finally, to write a post about an idea to help your dollies accessorize better! Now, you know me, I squeeze pennies until they squeel for pain. So, often I'd see cute jewelry that was specifically made for dolls and covet them for my own dollies. Then I'd look at the price. Um... Do you know how many dolls I have?! So, buying them wasn't ever really something I could see myself doing. Fast forward to me being at my favorite local thrift store one day a while ago (??)... I was looking at the hanging jewelry and noticed a pretty chain bracelet and a lightbuld went off in my head. 
"It may be a bracelet for a real person but that is totally a chain knecklace for a doll!!" 
And, well, I cleared them out of every single 'chain link' bracelet they had that day and have bought every single one since. They sell them at my local for $1-2, that I can handle! I have been slowly putting them on my dolls as I bring them home... I obviously started with my favorite and most cherished dolls and as I'd find 'nicer' bracelets, I'd upgrade theirs (passing along the 'less nice' one to some other doll). So, most of my 'major players' or 'A List' dolls have had pretty 'knecklaces' for a while how. 

So this last week, my daughter and I met one of my dearest friends at the mall for a bite to eat and a bit of window shopping... I don't really buy much at the mall unless it involves my daughter because when you can get top notch, name brand, near new, really stylish clothes for $5/bag at your local thrift every six months? It makes it incredibly hard to buy them at the mall, even at 75% off. You know what I mean? It pays to be on the smaller end of the size spectrum I'll admit... But I digress. Suffice to say I don't buy my clothes at the mall unless I am in Victoria's Secret. Wait, was that TMI? This is a doll blog. Nah, everyone wears knickers after all! What was I even talking about before I derailed? *glances up to top of paragraph* Oh, yes, the mall last week. My friend had a gift cert from a store I'd never heard of called "Icing". I was like "Oh, is that, like, a cupcake shoppe?" but nope, it's a little costume jewelry and accessories store. So, we went in and as my friend was looking around I noticed a clearance rack... Hmmmm... Only to find little cards of bracelets for like $1.99 each!!! What? So... Guess what I did? I picked up three of them (because I try to be reasonable!) and brought them up to plunk down my $6+tax. Only to have the shoppe girl tell me that all the clearance was buy one get one free!! What?! So, then I went back to said rack and cleared out every single bracelet card I could see. Hahaha. Sadly there were only five, so I grabbed another item for myself for the sixth. What a bang up deal!! You can see most of them above. I'd already taken two of them off one card before I remembered to photo them. Oops! Oh well, I'll tell you which they were when I show you them on the dolls... So, here are some of the dolls wearing the bracelet-knecklaces. 

Crystal looks great in her star knecklace, right? It' looks so cute on her!

This safety pin knecklace made me giggle and I knew it had to belong to Patricia. 

The cross went to Nadine. Nadine is named after my Granny and she was one of the strongest Christian influences in my life so... Perfect!!! I love it on her!!

Some of the bracelets were made for children apparently and were rather 'cheap' in that they were just elastic with some beading at the front. But they looked great on the smaller dolls!

This one Marley is wearing is one of the ones I took off the card before I thought to photo. 

Another elastic one but I think it looks rather smart on Holly Doll.

Then I decided I'd photo some of the other dolls who'd already gotten thrifted bracelets... Here is Frann in hers. I love love love it on her. I think it's perfect. She was naturally one of the very first dolls to get a knecklace. 

This sun and moon bracelet-knecklace is acutally one of my own from my own jewelry box. It's one I wore a long time ago and I thought it made a great one for Shuri. 

I love this simple chain I found for Josh Doll. Isn't it handsome on him?

This one I found for Sueretta Doll is one of my favorites. It's so pretty on her! 

Of course Vito was the next one to get a chain. 

I know it's not really what it stands for but this little Di bracelet-knecklace is perfect for Diane Doll I think. 

As my daughters second ever American Girl Doll Saige was on priority list too so... She has the pretty heart knecklace. 

Then, I ran out of time on the day I was doing the 'bracelet-knecklace' photos and... Haven't gotten back to it. So... I'll show you some others from prior blog post photos just in the interest of getting this post up before my kids are in college. Ha!

Here is Pamela Doll in her pretty silver chain. Her's is actually made out of silver, I got it at the thrift for $3.00!

Lisa is wearing a bracelet from my own jewelry box... It's a bracelet my Mom bought me in Italy many years ago made out of glass beads. Isn't it beautiful? I am actually really glad of being able to show it off more since I honestly haven't ever worn it too much. Glass beads?! On my person? Um, yeah... I break even sturdy jewelry so I never wanted to risk it. I do love it though and it's now precious because Mom has gone to Heaven. The 'pearls' Sasha is wearing is a 'costume jewelry' one with elastic cord but they look smashing with her dress right?

Carissa is one named after my sweet sister in law so of course she has one of the first... I think the little pearl-chain suits her perfectly!

Kevin and Myfanwy both have chains... You can't really see Myfanwy's but... Kind of. Keep an eye out for her in future posts and you'll see it. 

Jen Doll wearing a beaded chain.

Radel has a simple gold chain. 

Heather Doll's knecklace is one of my favorite I've found. I think it's perfect for her. I would know, being as she is my doppelganger doll. Hahaha. 

Bernie is wearing the same one as Jen only in blue. I think it really brings out her pretty blue eyes. 

Jody got the Rockets one... Perfect!!

Nanea is one of my favorites for so many reasons and so... She got a pretty (real silver!) chain. 

Prism got one too... 

I know I have more bracelet-knecklaces on other dolls but... I'm out of time. I think this is enough to give you the idea though! So, if you want some great knecklaces for your dollies they may be no further away than your own jewelry box! Or your local thrift store or garage sale... Or anywhere you can buy jewelry, really. 

So much fun. By the time I am done, my dolls are going be better dressed than I am. Maybe they already are? Hmmmm...

Better run in order to get to church on time! 
Oh, and Happy Fathers Day. Not that I think a lot of fathers read this blog. Haha. But I'll say it anyway cos Dads are important. 



  1. Shop for buy real silver chain. Elegant, durable, and perfect for any occasion, our silver chains offer timeless style at affordable prices.

  2. Create stunning accessories with beads jewelry making. Design unique necklaces, bracelets, and earrings using colorful beads to express your personal style and creativity.
