Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
Where does the time go? Hannah arrived in the Doll House weeks ago... I've been wanting to come and tell you about her but had this huge elaborate 'review' post in my mind and, well, it just hasn't gotten done yet. So... I'll just come back and finish review later or something so I can tell you that:
Hannah is here!
As you may reacall if you read this little blog often, Audrey (renamed Audra) arrived in the Doll House Village late last month. I vowed, at the time, that Hannah would arrive as soon as I could find the money in the Doll Mad Money Budget for her. Well, happenstance allowed the money to find itself rather quickly and I ordered her immediately.
I love the whole idea of Girls of Faith Dolls... That it was a mother who had a daughter who loved dolls and then came up with a whole new doll line themselves based on Christian characters! Wonderful!! Kind of similar to how this blog was born... My daughter loved American Girl dolls and I was trying, at the time, to figure out how to give her doll clothes without breaking the bank! I don't really upcycle doll clothes as much anymore because I've gotten loads more picky about how my dolls dress. I am much less forgiving than little girls with regards to such things... It's gotten to where, if I wouldn't wear the outfit or put it on my own daughter, I don't want to dress my dolls in it. Teehee... My dolls are getting to where they have a nicer wardrobe than I do! I digress...
So here is Hannah in her box. I love the simple clean packaging.
She's so beautiful!!!
Something about this particular Hannah's face, perhaps it's the way they set her eyes? But she has a bit of a sassy look on her face when I look at her. I love it. Makes me smile every time I look at her. Sassy is a good thing, for a girl, in this world, I think. Eh?
Much like Audra, I just think every single thing about Hannah is well done... Her dress is amazing!!
I am currently working on a 'homecoming' movie for her... If it ever uploads to YouTube Channel, I'll come back and share a link. I think it's the most elaborate video I've made yet. I decided to make it a Part Two to my Laura Wilder Moving In To The Doll House video. It was a bit of a stretch because it has Hannah arriving but... My idea was that a few weeks had passed and Laura has become comfortable and happy at the Doll Village. Since Hannah is from the same time period in history as Laura, all the dolls agreed that it only made sense that she would be the one to welcome Hannah! Right?
So if it ever post's, I'll come back and share a link.
I'll also come back soon and give a closer look at Audra and Hannah compared to American Girl Doll in a 'review' type way since Girls of Faith Dolls are a bit new on the market. I'll link to it if when I get that done!
Totally out of time, I better go herd the cats get the teenagers up for school...
Have a great Tuesday! (or whatever day of the week this finds you here!)
Hannah jest zachwycająca!!!