Hi Doll Friends!!
So as I mentioned in my
last post, last week was my Birthday. I wanted to make my birthday post as 'realistic' as possible with the little party and in that little party Heather Doll got an American Girl Doll from Josh Doll. So... In real life....
I got a new American Girl Doll from my husband Josh! I'd had her on my wish list ever since I heard of her coming out sometime last year I think... Before I even saw her I knew I wanted her in my collection. Why you ask?
Nanea is American Girl's most recent Beforever Doll.
Beforever Dolls are American Girl's historical line of dolls... She is from Hawaii and her time period is right around when Pearl Harbor got attacked. So why did I have to have her in my collection? Well, nearly a quarter of a century ago, my husband was newly enlisted in the Army and we were newly weds. Guess where our first duty station was? That's right, Hawaii.
We had our first apartment together in Wahiawa, Hawaii. We lived there for three and a half years and made friends we are still friends with today. It was a magical time in our lives and Hawaii, much like all the other eleven states I've lived in, sort of became part of me from having lived there.
Her time period also makes me smile... Not because of Pearl Harbor naturally because that was horrific. But because my grandparents lived in that time period and it feels very real to me becasue of them. My husbands grandfather was in the Army too and his grandmother was a nurse in the service so I still have some of the envelopes from their constant correspndance (Why only envelopes? Because Gram requested her actual letters be burned to safeguard her privacy.). So it feels very real and close to home to me despite it being so long ago.
Then, of course, there is the fact that Nanea is a drop dead gorgeous doll! She is just so beautiful!
The day she arrived (my husband actually got me a gift cert for AG because he wasn't sure which on my wish list I wanted most... Honestly I wasn't sure until I ordered her either... LOL) was a very sunny day and so I grabbed her out of her box and tried to get some good photos of her in the pretty sunlight.
And I just could not stop taking photos of her....!! As you can see....
I just kept snapping more... and more...
I love every detail about her! I'd do more of a 'review' but honestly there are so many on YouTube that I just feel like it would be re-inventing the wheel. Here is one of my all time favorite Toy Reviewing YouTuber's
Mommy from Mommy and Gracie Show telling about her Nanea. She always does such a profesh job, I just adore her.
So I know Nanea will be in many adventures in the doll house going forward! Also, American Girl Doll also makes a hula outfit for Nanea but it's $35!! I know the quality is high but I just couldn't bring myself to buy it when I knew that the OG Hula Set was like half the price and comes with a lot more stuff! I actually already owned one of the sets as you may remember from when my sweet doll
Cat put on a Hula Class at the Doll House. Since I had the money from my Birthday though I decided to buy a couple more sets so that Nanea and Cat can both have their own hula skirt and an additional doll friend can have one too! I think I am going to have a New Year's Luau this year because the last
Luau we had in the Doll House was a lot of fun!

Here are the two sets! Aren't they cute! So stay tuned for that post in a few weeks...! Yes, a few weeks!! The last month of the year flies by so fast because Christmas consumes it. As it well should. Jesus's Birthday should be celebrated for at least a month, right?
Better run!
Have a fantastic week!!