Hi Doll Friends!!
As you may know from reading my blog in the past, I am a huge fan of Our Generation dolls, doll clothes and accessories. However... They are sold at Target. I don't shop at Target anymore. I am not going to say one more word about it as I try not to get political on my little blog here. However, since deciding not to shop at Target anymore a few months ago, I have really missed being able to buy Our Gen stuff!!
So, as I've mentioned lately, I went on a bit of an eBay spending spree recently. (I get windfall gifts of money and it all goes to the dolls... Hahaha!) While I was looking around at doll clothes, I noticed a few auctions for doll clothes ensembles that looked just like Our Generation doll clothes ensembles... I was intrigued... So I bid on a couple to see what they were. I figured I would probably be disappointed and they'd be like cheap knock offs of the clothes I love so much.
Until the first one arrived. Oh. My. Cute!! Top notch all around and as best as I can tell, they are legitimate Our Generation clothes.
I ordered three ensembles originally as my 'test' order. They are the one I showed up there on Patti and the soccer outfit and striped shirt/polka dot short outfits here. The other dolls are also wearing eBay finds. Myfanwy (Madame Alexander doll on far left) is wearing a blue leotard I got for like a dime with a skirt I made, then there is Patti (Vintage Engel Puppen) with the OG ensemble, then Heather (M.A.) is wearing a leotard I got with a skirt I made, then Frann is wearing an actual American Girl Doll dress I got on eBay that you can find all the time. I finally ordered one and it is really cute, with snaps. The boots she is wearing are also a recent eBay purchase. Then of course, there is Kristi in the soccer outfit and Jennifer in the striped ensemble on far right.

See how little I paid for them!? More than I generally bid on 'eBay Doll clothes' but just in case they were actually Our Gens, I risked it.
After I bid I read the description and was chagrined to see that it stated "If you don't tell us which of these dresses you want, we will pick and send it to you" and it was a photo of the standard eBay dresses I've told you about a few times most recently
here. So I was a bit nervous as I waited the standard few weeks between when you order and they arrive in the mail...
As you can see from these photos, they are all 'current' Our Gen doll clothes styles... Not discontinued or past year styles at all but stuff that is on the Our Gen Website right now.
One thing you may note though is that none of them really come with the shoes or the accessories that come in the ensembles you get at Target. Like this ensemble, on eBay, only came with the black shirt, tights, shorts and hat, no skateboard or tennis shoes. I have a few doll skateboards and a lot of doll shoes so I don't care... But I figured I'd better mention it.
See? Here is the dressy outfit I got. So cute. You can find it if you search "American Girl B515"
I will say that there was a flaw on the 'hoodie' that came with this set... it had a bit of a stain on it... I have it soaking and hope that it'll come out. So, not quite perfect... But for what I paid for the set, the shirt and shorts would've been enough really. This soccer set will work for boy dolls... Well, the shorts are purple, but I say still it works. Haha! You can find it under "American Girl B517" (the baseball outfit I haven't bought yet but it's on there under "American Girl B521"
So then I set about tweaking search engines and digging in to see what other OG ensembles might be hiding out there in eBay...?
This is what I found. See above for the larger photos... I found them mostly on BuyItNow's that I found reasonable and took away the pain of waiting for bids to end. From what I could tell from my researching the 'ended' auctions, they generally ended up about the same price at the end of all the auctions that they were on BuyItNow (sometimes auctions went for more! Always look for a BuyItNow peeps!!).
So... I went a little nuts. I've been drooling over the OG doll clothes for a long time which is probably why when I saw them on eBay I was like "Hey...! That looks like OG!?" Because it doesn't call them that in any of the descriptions.
Another interesting thing is that it appears that maybe the sellers have a 'source' of OG clothes but aren't perfect at matching up the ensembles correctly. If you look at the one ensemble with the pink jacket, blue striped shirt and red skirt you wonder if perhaps they even looked at them... But like I say, I know me my OG Doll Clothes and so I knew basically what they were from looking at them...
It's this skirt, this shirt and this jacket.
They seem to have gotten this one spot on....? You can find it under "American Girl
This one is under "American Girl B518"
In the auctions, I they paired this yellow sweater with the pink skirt in the blue striped shirt ensemble...
I really like this one... "American Girl B524" is what you need to pull it up. I inadvertently ended up with two of these I think... Ooops... Oh well, I kind of like having duplicate outfits so I can 'twin' my dolls up.
This one, on the auctions, was just the coat. But that coat!!
Another oddly matched ensemble... The plaid skirt above was paired with a black and white striped tshirt....
This is one I've wanted a long time!! Search for it with "American Girl B522" and it'll pull right up. Another favorite OG outfit of mine that is dressy is the cute one named "American Girl B525" but I already owned it because it is Our Gen Maeva's meet dress and I own that doll.
I just couldn't stop!! The 'jean and blue long sleeve shirt' up there, you can see it's "American Girl 523"
They paired the blouse in this one with wrong skirt... But you can find it under "American Girl 514"
And this dress appears to come with a different over coat...
This was a last minute find... It's got bears on the shirt... SO CUTE!!
So... They are on their way here! So excited! So... We will see when they arrive if the ones I ordered later are the same high quality of the first three I got. We shall see!
If you want to find them yourself on eBay, for the ones I haven't figured out a 'number' for, just take a look at the descriptions on the auctions I won, type those exact words in and it'll probably pull it right up if there is one for auctions right now. Also, play around with "American Girl B---" by adding random numbers to the end and you'll find all manner of auctions that are 'standards' and find favorites to add to your saved searches.
Happy hunting!
Till Next Time!