Monday, December 19, 2016

My Walmart My Life As Doll Collection.. So Far...

Greetings Doll Friends,

I've been working my way through my different varieties of dolls and my collections of them. So far, recently, I've shown you my collections of Kingstate DollsOur Generation, Tolly Tots, Journey Girls, and my Heart for Hearts collection. Since my husband brought me home the other My Life As Doll Boy this past weekend I decided it made sense to show you my My Life As Doll collection next. 

Ironically enough, four of the six I have are boys. My very first My Life As Doll was one I purchased specifically to customize into Josh doll. The other boy doll I customized I got second hand and made over but eventually transformed to Jon Snow from Game of Thrones

Then there are the girls Breanna (who's story I can't seem to locate... Perhaps I didn't blog about her? I am not sure now...?) and Samantha-Noel

Then naturally there is Bill and Jamar (as I've named the newest fella...) who are the very first two My Life As Doll Boy's. From what I can tell, they've been a smashing success and so I am hopeful that they'll release more variety of them next year? Or perhaps JG or OG will follow their lead and make a boy doll? One can hope! In the meantime, there is always customizing! Which is quite a lot of fun in itself. Eh?

Well, I better run! My husband and I have discovered a new show we like in common and I'll probably watch an episode (or two). Hope this finds you having had a lovely day!

Till next time!

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