As you may or may not have noticed, I have been online very little the last 36hours or so. It's so cold here where we live that school was was called off which means I am also off work at school! Which was like a gift! I was just thinking I wish I had just one more day to try a few more projects!! My wonderful and amazing friend M had come over this weekend to show me how to thread my sewing machine. I hadn't threaded it in like 15 years!!
What a difference a machine makes!!
Here is some of the Doll Posse modeling items I've made since the last post. I can't really take much credit though! Such is the power of upcycling!
Here is the highlight reel of the upcoming week here in DollWorld!
Three doll nightgowns upcycled from child's pajamas. I have one more pinned just need to stitch!
Upcycled an OshKosh dress into a dress and a short and top outfit. So far... Have lots of material left...
Made a Guess Jersey Doll Dress by upcycling a baby shirt. Made a matching belt by upcycling a watch band purchased by mistake once...
This doll dress practically made itself! All I did was move the buttons over on a premie sized baby dress!
Last but not least is another easy one but I love how it came out. It was a 4T skirt and now it's a doll skirt and tote bag.
Then on the non sewing side of things, I built a (collasable) wall for the 'bedroom' side of the play background. We had changing the background room back and forth between living room and bedroom but then I found this great big bit of great cardboard...

Ok, that is it I think? I will come back one by one on how to make each project and to talk about all manner of doll things! Have a fantastic day!! See you next time!!
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