Lunch tray!
Dear daughter made the awesome apple from cardboard! We are all about repurposing in this household!
A doll shelf to fit with Velcro into your doll scene board!! All you need is the larger white plastic portion of the packaging from the iPhone and some boarder scrap booking stickers to go around the edges to cover up the words.
Be mindful as you apply the sticker to keep it strait at the top (at opening) and the rest will stay strait on its own.
Apply some industrial strength Velcro to the back in configuration to the same sized Velcro pieces wherever you might be hanging the shelf. (Kids make sure this is all ok with a parent, ok!!)

Here is our shelf with a dolly sized rock collection on it.
Lastly, I mention the last bit of way I used the packaging in doll world but know it won't apply to everyone. We use my Grandmas jewelry box as a pretty dresser (It even has operational drawers! Very small but they work!!). It's always been hard to set anything on top due to stain glass in middle. In comes the clear 'tray' portion of the packaging! I plan to look for little gold buttons to use as handles on sides. I guess every doll can use a tray for her things. Right? Waste not want not, that is the motto around here!
That's it! Now the girls are enjoying a nice hot fire while admiring their rock collection. Oh, and notice the adorable and impeccably stitched hand bag held by Shuri? Dear daughter came up with idea and stitched it all on her own. Awesomeness!!!
PS If you're like me, your next question is "where did you get the fire place?" That will come in an upcoming post! Hope to see you there! Have a fantastic day!!
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