Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
Some girls like diamonds... Somes girls like flowers... This girl likes dolls and my husband knows it. So... when he wants to treat me, what does he do? He buys me a doll of course! I love that he loves me for who I am and supports that. Lucky girl, that's me and I know it. Not trying to brag here just expressing that I know him for the blessing he is.
So... Look at the beautiful dolly he came home with yesterday! My husband has a job that requires him to be 'on-call' every few weeks and sadly he ended up working half the day. Then, what does he do? He runs into Kmart after my mentioning that there was a doll I liked there. He is so good about noticing when I mention such things. (Hmmm... Perhaps that could be why I do mention them? Who knows, I am not manner of therapist or something... Why over-analyze things here?! Heeheehee)

Isn't she beautiful!! I am so utterly stoked to have her! As I mentioned in a
prior post about LOTUS dolls there was a
Doll named Brooklyn from the
Newberrry Doll line at Sears Canada. At the time, there was no way to get her in the states. Trust me, I looked and looked. Or perhaps I missed, somehow, that Kmart had her? I suppose that's possible but I can't imagine it. Because, seriously, I almost became obsessed with her and had to talk self out of buying her on eBay for three times the cost. Haha. Don't you hate it when something you like is not available for you to buy? I know I do. I suppose it's the 'sign of the times' that I think I should be able to buy anything from anywhere in the world, huh?

Here she is in the box when she came home. Isn't she pretty! So that's how I happened to mention to my husband about her recently... I'd just happened to look at Kmart online for something else doll related and there she was!! Her name was different, she was called Amara and not Brooklyn but... She was the same doll!!
When I mentioned her to my husband I honestly wasn't fishing for him to go buy her. Really!! I was just excited that she was even available for me to buy.
But, as he so sweetly does so often, he listened and remembered.
As seems to be the case with most of the
LOTUS dolls I've gotten in the past, her box is very simple. Just a few words to describe her and that's it.
She was only rubber-banded into the box in three spots, very easy to get out of the box. As I've come to expect from this line of dolls, the clothes are all pretty great. Basic, simple fashions that are well made and lend themselves to other looks. Just by removing the scarf on this one, for instance, gives it a different look. The jeans are unadorned in any way and so, I expect, will be used for the boy dolls in the doll house. Yes, I realize that girls wear unadorned jeans too but when you have as many
boy dolls in the Doll House as I do, you have to get the clothes for them from somewhere! I've even added a
boy or
two since I did that group photo! So, you see my problem!
Back to Amara... I don't think she's going to keep that name but I have to call her something! Her hair was sectioned off in clear rubberbands to keep it tidy in the box.
She is so pretty! As soon as I got her hair loose from it's ties I had to run her over to the window and take a photo of her in the sunlight!
My husband also knows me well enough to know I'd be curious about the other dolls they had there! He snapped a few photos for to me to see. I was surprised and delighted to see my
Lisa Doll! When I bought mine, ironically enough, at Kmart back when I got her, they were marketed under the name 'My Sweet Girl'...? So, who knows when they changed over to make the name brand the same for the US dolls as for the Canadian dolls but I am so glad that they did and that, when they did, Amara/Brooklyn came to the US with the rest of the name!

The outfits remind me a lot of the
Journey Girls or
Espari Dolls that, from what I understand, have their face sculpts from same place, LOTUS dolls. At least I think that's right. Speaking of Espari dolls, I suspect they are being discontinued because Barnes & Noble are going to start carrying
American Girl Doll items there and, as far as I know, AG stipulates that no other doll brands can be carried where they stock their dolls. Kind of silly, I think. What's wrong with a little competition but... Not my place to say I suppose.
The dolls are all very cute but I am super happy to have the one that my husband got me. Although, now that I know the whole line is at Kmart, I might just have to find myself in the same part of town as they are when I go in... You know... Just to peek.
Better run!
Time to get ready for church!
**UPDATE June 29, 2017** I named this doll Radel after one of my life long friends. Just wanted to update you on her name!