Wednesday, July 12, 2023

China Cabinet From Facebook Marketplace, Latest Thrift Sightings and 'Dollers Block'...


Hi Doll Friends!!

I've been in a bit of a 'doll-ers block' for months now... I can't account for it, it's been bothering me but I haven't been able to pull myself out of it either. I mean part of it I already mentioned, I kind of got back 'in' to my old hobby of paper crafting and greeting card making. I think perhaps it's due to a few things. The first is I am just busy as a one armed wallpaper hanger at work... Then at church I've taken on leading a Ladies Life Group since last September and a second one I am doing with my husband as a couple's LifeGroup. I have been called to get even further into the Women's Ministry at my church so that's only going to get busier. Which is fine and lovely because Jesus is more important than anything else. Then, as if we weren't busy enough (haha) we decided to adopt a puppy about a month ago. Here's a photo of him: 

Isn't he adorable?! His name is Ozzy the Blue and he's just as sweet as peace pie. As you know though, the first year of a puppies life is all about laying the groundwork for their life long training. So, that's been consuming a large part of my time. 

I've really missed my doll hobby... I couldnt' figure out a way to get back into it though. Spoke about it to a doll group I'm a member of on Facebook and asked advice on how to get out of my 'doll slump'. One of the members advised to just go in my doll room and do 'one thing'. So that is what I did, went into my doll room and looked around with a mind to find 'one thing' to write a blog post about. 

My eyes landed on this china cabinet. I bought this off Facebook market place... Months and months ago. I'd been shopping for a 'real' china cabinet for my house but then this one came up in my suggestions. It was only $20! Before I knew what I was doing, I'd written the seller and we set up a meeting for me to go pick it up. I left my large cabinet that I'd kept my doll china (mentioned in this post) in when I moved and so had no real place to put my huge collection of doll china. So it was perfect to find a new one. However, I bought it, got it home and then... It sat and collected dust. So, when I saw it sitting there, empty and dusty, I decided it was as good as anything to write a blog post about. It also might spur me to actually unpack my doll china into it if I tell you about it here. Haha! 

I decided that Brooklyn would be the perfect model to show it to you. She is such a beautiful doll as are her sisters from Sophia dolls for that matter... Just love the face sculpt on them. 

So... Here is the blog post, written! I'll also show you a few items I saw at the thrift about a month ago...

First thing being this Madame Alexander Doll. I was extremely tempted to buy her because she's one of the more rare face sculpts but I already have her in the doll house and so I didn't. 

Then there were these American Girl Doll branded doll hangers. I'm certain they were probably 'worth' much more than they were charging but given I'm trying not to add anything to my doll collecting and that I already have several of these exact same hangers, I passed them up too. 

Well, that's it for now Doll Friends. My friend in the Facebook group was spot on though... Just going into my doll room and looking around at all my beautiful dolls has got me wanting to get in there more often. So, I'll just have to find the time!


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