Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hello Doll Friends From The Doll House! March Has Come And Gone!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!

Where to begin?
Just like everyone else in the world, I am in the middle of a closed down quarantine world. 
I'd talk about it but... Not much orginal to say about it really.
I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about it at one point or another but...
Mostly, I just wanted to come say hi! To be able to say that I got at least ONE post done in March of this year! So many things have happened this month. Bless Jesus, the last couple of weeks have seen, I think, some breakthroughs I've been praying for. It's all fresh and new right now and hard to explain but suffice to say that I feel like I'm coming out of a very long season of fog in my own life...
And waking up to a world where it's Spring outside as well. 
I've been enjoying taking walks on the recent pretty spring days. The fresh air and conversations with Jesus when I'm smart enough to talk to Him make such a difference to my mood every single time. 

One thing that this strange new reality has made me determine is that it's time to start weeding out some of my doll hoard collection. I have so many things set aside that I'd planned to put in the doll store I had planned. Sadly, the brick and mortar part of that store looks less and less like it will be a reality. One of the many things that have been in the air in my life lately. I'm determined, however, to slowly start working towards at least an Etsy and/or eBay store.
One thing at a time. 

Endless thanks to the many of you wonderful people who've reached out to encourage me during this foggy season of my life. It has meant the world to me and helped heaps even though I was dreadful about responding to any of you. Sorry about that. 
It feels very much like I've been stuck in quicksand for, what, a year?
But I finally, finally, finally feel that, while walking on unsteady and tenative steps, I am once again on solid ground. Jesus has walked me through the quicksand and kept me from sinking in... Part of Him doing that was gifting me my sweet doll friends to cheer me on from the sidelines. 

So... As you can probably tell...
I saw Aubrie in a post on Instagram somewhere in the middle of the last month or so and before I knew what I was doing, I had spent every last cent of my hoarded doll mad money and she was on her way to my house. 

Isn't she fabulous? I love love love her freckles!!

Pretty sure Aubrie will not be her name in the Doll House because I have a brother named Aubrey and... Well, that would be weird. 

In order to get free shipping I was forced to buy this adorable outfit that came with a fish bowl. 
I know, terrible! Haha

Isn't she adorable in the outfit? I love it really, especially the sandles. 

Here she is with a friend who also arrived recently to the Doll House

Much like most of the children of the world, I think the dolls of the Doll House are surprised at how much they miss going to actual school! 

A few more things that are new from Our Generation that caught my eye. But, for now, I am being good and just admiring them in the photos. 

I better run ya'll.
Stay well. 
I'm praying for all of you.

Much love always,


  1. Smart enough to talk to Jesus...I know what that's like! I get so wrapped up in day-to-day stuff that I just flat-out forget! How awful is that, to forget to talk to our Savior???

    Aubrie and the little blonde girl are so pretty! Those Our Generation dolls have come a long way with their faces!

  2. Hello Heather....I'm so glad you are feeling much better. The Covid thing has nearly done my own head in. I'm trying my best to get a grip, but for all the churches to be closed world wide at the same time is just so freaky! I honestly find it very scary. But I do know when I come to my senses, that God is in total control; it's all in His plan. That's where faith comes to work on our behalf. The dolls do cheer me. I have cut out around 15 doll patterns that I'd bought over the years, and now I hope to do some sewing for the dolls and some crocheting to calm me down. Long walks in nature really help, plus lots of sleep. Take care and keep looking up!

  3. Yay, you're back :)

    Aubrie is very pretty, I love her red hair, freckles and blue eyes. I haven't bought a new doll for a long time but if I could buy Aubrie I would be very tempted. As it is I am planning to sort through my dolls and see if I can thin down the collection. I acquired quite a few when 18" dolls started coming out in supermarket toy aisles here in 2018 but they aren't ones I fell in love with and want to keep. I can maybe sew some clothes for the dolls who are leaving, and donate them to the food bank as there are bound to be some kids who would love a new doll but can't get one at the moment.
