Friday, April 3, 2020

Happy Friday From Harper At The Park!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!

Happy Friday!
I hope you're looking forward to a relaxing weekend even if you're homebound. I guess I didn't realize that in a lot of more 'urban' areas, people can't even really get out into parks and for walks! That's terrible. Fresh air walks are the best cure for cabin fever I think. 
So if you're one of the people really stuck inside, I'm praying for you!
Here in the middle of the country, we have really wide open spaces and, so far, no restrictions on taking walks. So, the other day when I was out getting 'essential' groceries, I stopped by a park on the way home and took some photos of one of my lovely dolls Harper. She is stunning and one of my favorites. 

So, have a great weekend my sweet Doll Friends! 
I'll wish for you good movies and good board games and good dinners around a table with your loved ones. 

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to see this pretty girl out in the sun. I have not been reading my favorite blogs or even getting online lately due to my own bout of depression. I hope that the advent of spring will clear more of the fog for you and that joy will fill your heart. My new mantra is to look out from my porch, rain or shine, and say "this is the day that the lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it". It is hard some days but I have to push myself to look for something happy. I hope we will all come back stronger and be able to share joyful times again. I never post because I excel at lurking, but your posts bring so much happiness and fun into our days that I wanted to speak up.
