Sunday, July 5, 2020

My Life As Doll Find At Local Thrift Store & Her Visit to Peach Park!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!

How can it be July 5th already! Hope you had a nice holiday weekend! I had to come show you this lovely My life As Doll Doll I found recently at the thrift store. She needed a bit of cleaning up and so I de-tangled her hair, cleaned her up, put her in some fresh clothes and...
Then I took her to Peach Park for some photos!

Here she is in a 'before' photo. As you can see, I got her for a mere $2.99! She was honestly in pretty good shape... Her original braid had never even been removed from the front of her hair but she did need a lot of tangles removed and a good clean up!

She turned out so nice! Isn't she pretty?!

I think I got some pretty good photos and when I was all done I treated myself to some of Peach Park's famous peach cobbler with peach ice cream on top! 

She posed by all of the iconic scenes to be seen at Peach Park! 

It is a really beautiful place! 

Several little walking trails between the place where you can buy all the amazing peach and other fruit produce items (and even Fried Green Tomatoes!) and the other parts of the park. 

Here she is by the red caboose! You can see the little red barn that kids can play in in the background too. 

My favorite of all the 'things to see' at the Peach Park has to be this lighthouse fountain. It's rather hot at Peach Park this time of year and just being next to the fountain feels cooler. It's really pretty too, obviously. 

There are several animal statues they have there for photo ops and so of course I had to take her photo by them! 

Here she is by the neat little play ground. 

So it was fun going there to take photos! I'm sure I'll visit there again and I'm sure I'll take a doll with me again too! Neat place!

At the same thrift store I found a few other doll items but since I am just 'traveling' in Alabama right now, I won't allow myself to buy 'bigger' doll items. Which is kind of hard to do! 

Oh, I really wanted to buy this vending machine from My Life As... I've wanted to get one 'new' but haven't done so yet and so it was super hard to make myself put it back. 

It didn't have any of the soda's or water bottles it comes with new but $2.99 was a steal!!

I also found this Our Generation Washer and, again, had it in my cart even... But I eventually put it back. Can only let myself buy dolls I can pack to take home, eh?

I did buy this cute Madame Alexander Doll though! I've since gotten her cleaned up and dressed but I haven't had a chance to take 'after' photos of her yet! And see the little bag of clothes next to her? It was a great deal! There were several actual American Girl Doll clothing items in it! So I'll have to show you what I got in it as well! 

The Ice Cream Vendor Bike by My Life As Doll was another one I was tempted by but ultimately put back. One of pedals was missing and, well, it's a huge item... So I left it in the store! Same with the little wooden rocking horse. 

Naturally since I can't buy big items in my travels, I didn't buy this great horse either. Oh so hard to be good! 

Well, it's late so I better hit the hay before I fall asleep on my laptop! 
Have a fantastic week Doll Friends!

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