Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Lori Ilyssa and American Girl Molly Go to New Orleans

Hi Doll Friends!

I got the Lori Doll Ilyssa for Christmas this year! It was perfect timing because I had a trip to New Orleans planned and wanted to bring a couple of Mini-Dolls along for Doll Photos. Mini-dolls are great for travel because they can be tucked into a purse when you're out on the go. 

Here is her box as she came from Amazon (I know that was where she was purchased).

I contemplated returning her for exchange because her eyes were a bit 'crossed'. I decided against it because 1) I needed to take her on vacation with me and 2) some actual people have crossed eyes and so I just accepted it as how she was. If that makes sense. 

So here are the photos I took with her. 

I also brought along Molly and got some great photos with her too! 

I love taking doll photos. Hope you enjoyed looking at them. 




  1. I just bought Ilyssa myself! Don't feel funny about yours having wonky eyes, since my Lori doll (Estelle) also has crossed eyes. Your doll doesn't look so bad, actually; she kinda looks like she's gazing at something way to her right. You got some glorious shots.

    1. Thanks so much! It means a lot to me that you read and comment. I hope this finds you having a wonderful day!
