Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
In my last post, I told you about the latest doll to find her way home to the Doll House. She is a Starpath Doll called Shining Star. I am sure that won't be her permanent name? Although 'Star' is playfully in the running because one of my favorite teenage movie character favorites from the Lost Boys was was named Star. Her coloring is spot on although luckily the doll doesn't have an 1980s spiral perm. (Yes, I had one in the 80s so no judgement here! Haha.)
So whatever her name ends up as, she is gorgeous and just lovely in every way!
She's very 'sturdy' and well made, I think, and her outfit and wig are both top notch.
Although, I had to giggle at her panties... They were a bit loose on her! Well made, but just like a size too big. Funny!
I mean they stay on just fine but as you can see, a bit roomy...
Here she is without her clothes... I always feel a bit bad for taking nude doll photos. Is that silly? But I want to show you what her body type looked like next to what is generally thought of as the 'industry standard' in 18inch dolls, the American Girl Doll. I still plan to try and do a side by side comparison of four or five different 18inch dolls but in the interest of showing you the Starpath Doll in a timely manner, that will have to happen some other time.
So here is Saige with Star. Saige was my daughters second American Girl Doll and she's given her to me to live in the Doll House until my daughter decides she's not too old for dolls anymore. Teehee. See me holding out hope my daughter will become a 'Doll Person' when she gets older? Some people aspire to have their kids be doctors and lawyers and such but... having a grown daughter who 'dolls' would be lovely too, right?
Anyway, as you can see, like I said in my last post, the Starpath Dolls are 18.5 inches so Star is just a tiny bit taller than Saige.
Their body types are very simlar and I think they'll be able to share clothes very easily.
I do have to report that it was extremely tricky to get Star to stand up on her own... I am a bit of an ace at getting dolls to stand up, if I do say so, and it took some serious adjusting and 'balancing' in just the exact right way to get her to stand on her own two feet. If you tend to use doll stands anyway, I am sure this won't be an issue and you can get her to stand up if you're patient but I figured I'd mention it just so this would be an authentic review.

Here is Star in a made over Build A Bear Dress she is going to use as part of a Halloween costume. She found out, upon arrival at the Doll House, that a Halloween party was in the works and she naturally wanted to get a costume on! Can you tell who she's going to be? (Note the glass slippers!)
So I am so happy to have a Starpath Doll living in the Doll House!! She whispered to me that she thinks she's going to like living here too. All in all, I think these are amazing dolls especially for the price point. They are a full $50 cheaper than American Girl dolls and so might be a good option for someone who's looking for a high quality doll under the $100 mark for Christmas. You can even get her a second outfit from Starpath Doll's website and still come in under what American Girl doll's cost. Naturally, she'd also make a fantastic friend or sister to your dolls current American Girl, Our Generation, Maplelea, Journey Girl, LOTUS, My Life As or other 18inch dolls in your collection!! I am not sure if I'll get a second one because I have, well, a lot of dolls and I have to be realistic, right? But if I were to ever buy a second, I am pretty sure Wishing Star would be the one? Which of the Starpath Dolls would you pick?
Better run!!
Have a great week Doll Friends!
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