Sometimes I am my own worst enemy. *giggles* Since telling ya'll about the adorable Tolly Tot's Clothing Ensemble sets I got recently on eBay, I've started keeping my eye on that search on eBay more carefully recently. Because I am telling you, the clothes I got are so utterly top notch in every way and so adorable.
Side note: One thing that makes me smile about a few of the ones I got the other day, they were made in the 1990's, I think, and the styles are very much from that time period. Bell bottoms and platform shoes had made their way back into fashion that decade, much to my horror at first, but then I got used to them and they became my style. So, now I am one of those pathetic old bitties who won't dare wear the strait legged jeans, skinny jeans I think they call them, now because I can't stand how they look. Luckily I think there is a rule that if you wore a style the first time around you're technically not supposed to wear it when it rolls back around again so I've been saved from skinny jeans by being 45 years old. Ha! I am pretty much like a uniform in my style honestly. In the summer I wear a long tank top under a long short sleeved tshirt, jeans and sandles. In the winter I wear a long sleeved thermal shirt, a long tshirt, jeans and a hoody with knee high socks and slip on flats or Born tie up shoes. So, yeah, I am stuck in the 90s I guess? (At least I packed away my Doc Martens! I refuse to get rid of any of my three pairs though because those shoes could survive a nuclear war I think...) For a little while I owned/operated an Etsy store selling vintage clothes and that particular few years I kicked up my style a notch, wearing 'signature' pieces from many a fabulous wardrobe... But in recent years I've settled back into my jeans wearing self. Gotta be me I suppose, gotta be me. I digress. I do love clothes though and style... Now I just reflect it through my dolls more than through my own wardrobe!
One weakness, when it comes to doll clothes, is, when I find them for a good price, boy doll clothes. They are becoming easier and easier to find luckily since American Girl, Our Generation and My Life As Doll all have a boy doll in their line now. So that's good. The other day when I was

It actually looked like this in the eBay listing and when I got it.

The box was kind of smashed. If I hadn't just found those other Tolly clothes recently, I might not have even taken a closer look because it does look pretty mangled. If you don't know how great Tolly clothes are, you might pass it up. I got it for $5.00 plus $3.50 shipping. So, cheaper than the My Life As Doll outfits at Walmart but so much more well made and adorable! It came with a pair of shoes and a soccer ball! (I forgot to photo the ball in the photo of Josh Doll modeling the outfit, sorry!)

It came with a sweatshirt in addition to this windbreaker hoodie and pants. The pants have zippers on them so you can convert them into shorts. The shoes are probably my favorite part but I love the entire ensemble! So... If you're looking for great doll clothes, keep Tolly Tot's on your eBay search engines. I am almost reticent to tell you that because I'll be creating competition in the bids! Hahaha! Since you're my Doll Friend, I'll risk it because I love you. Teeheehee. Also, it might keep me off the Hoarding Show. So, go,, now, run, buy them all! There are two on listings right now even... Luckily they are $12 each plus shipping and I am a cheapskate. That doesn't mean they aren't on my watch list though. I am weak!! Ha! Sure you understand Doll Friend. Right?
Still working on the 'My Collection So Far' posts but.... I've got a few of them posted as videos on YouTube!! YouTube Videos are easier to produce in some ways than blog posts because there is no writing involved, just photos. So oftentimes posts make it there first. Not that I have all that many viewers... But I make them as much for myself as anyone because I get a kick out of seeing my doll photos on our huge TV screen... Like seeing my dolls being famous. Technology is a trip, eh?

And the Adora Doll Collection is uploading as I type... Soon enough I'll get the posts done about them but in the meantime at least you can see the photos of all of them if you'd like.
Better run!
Happy Tuesday!
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