Thursday, November 3, 2022

Our Generation Camden and Glitter Girls Shaska Come Home to Doll House

Hi Doll Friends!

So I know I've said I need to stop buying dolls... 
But sometimes, how can you help it? Haha! 
I've been looking for a boy doll with hazel eyes for the doll house for a little while now...
Low and behold, I found Camden. He was perfect! I've renamed him Aaron. I'm so happy to have him in the doll house. 

Then, I was on Amazon recently and I've always admired Glitter Girls Shaska for a while now. So when I saw that she was on sale for $13.50 with a $3.50 coupon? I couldn't help but pick her up! 

Here is Camden/Aaron while he was still in the box. I was so excited to get him that I didn't think to take the time to take 'in the box' photos of him. Isn't he handsome?

When Shaska arrived I decided it would be cute to have Aaron Doll help her out of her box in a sequence of photos. So here they are: 

She could totally be his little sister because she has hazel eyes too. 

These two Glitter Girl outfits were on a good sale, with the coupon applied they were only like $6.00 each, so I had to pick them up too! 

Have you gotten any exciting new dolls or doll items lately? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

Better run.


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