Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merry Belated Christmas!

Doll Friends!

So many technical issues!

Trying to post from phone! These photos are in reverse order but I can’t figure how to fix...

Hope your Christmas was fabulous!


**Update, slowly fixing problem***


  1. Hello,

    Just want to say that I love your blog and youtube channel. I am a big fan and enjoy it very much! Sorry for my english... I am from Belgium and speak dutch. I also love dolls and I think you have a very nice collection. I hope you keep doing this blog and your channel...
    Best wishes,

  2. Hi Reintje! Thanks for your sweet comment! It is always so nice to hear from someone who reads and enjoys the blog! It makes it more fun to write the blog really because it's like having coffee and talking dolls with the small group of people who've reached out to say hi. :) I don't know why you apologized for your English? I'd never have guessed it wasn't your first language from this anyway so you must be pretty fluent. :) Interestingly enough my in-laws lived in Belgium for nearly a decade when dad was at NATO. Small world, right? I plan to keep writing the blog... I never do seem to run out of things to talk about in the doll world. Haha. There are just so many interesting doll things! It's also fabulous to hear you like the YouTube! I sometimes wonder if it's enjoyable to other people... I am sure I need to figure out some mannner of more original sound than the 'tinned' sound I have on my iMovie app? But I am not sure how to go about it. Anyway... I am now rambling! Great to hear from you and I'll hope to hear from you again maybe? I'd love to hear about and/or see your doll collection. <3 Have a great day!

    1. Hi Heather,
      Thanks for taking the time to answer my comment. I know you have a very busy life with your family and job... So, I am impressed that you do all these things.
      About my dollcollection... I just started three years ago (I am in my fifties now). I never had any interest in dolls, even as a young girl. I have 4 sons, so I also could never buy dolls for them (I did once but that doll disappeared short afterwards and I still don't know how that happened).
      Three of my sons left the house to get married in a time-period of two years and around that time I was in a toy-shop and I passed the section barbie-dolls and I looked at them and I was thinking: Oh, they look nice... Maybe I should buy one for myself... A few weeks later I did! Now, I have a collection of small dolls (barbie, moxie girls and bratz) and bigger dolls (götz, Bonnie and Pearl, WeGirls...) I will tell you another time about these dolls... They are all playdolls, except two, wich are Zwergnase dolls.
      I don't have a big budget to buy these more expensive dolls.
      But that is not necessary. Just like you I enjoy the playdolls very much.
      By the way, I also have a Maru and Friends doll (Tanya) and a Starpath doll (the blonde one). So,now you know a little about me...
      Till next time...

      Have a nice day,

    2. Dear Reintje,
      Happy to see your comment on Heather's postings. I guessed that I must have been the first visiter to add comments on here. I wondered why visiters do not add comments on such a good blog, but now I understand the reason. Lots of viewers are from East Europe and Russia.
      I am also in my fifties and have a son. Dolls and doll friends made my boring and disappointing life disappear.
      Oh! You already have lots of doll lines. Heather has lots of information about dolls and I have done good job for my another doll friend thanks to her doll knowledge. I will tell you if there is a chace to tell you.
      Anyway the reason that I like Heather is that she makes second-hand dolls alive and does not spend big money on doll collections.
      I am a Korean and happy to be doll friends here.

      Happy New Year!
