Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dresses for Dolls Etsy Shoppe Has AG Dresses As Low As $5.00 Each! So Pretty!

Doll Friends!

I've wanted to get here to tell you about Dresses For Dolls Etsy Shoppe for over a week but have had one computer glitch after another that have been keeping me from it. Oy! My laptop is like four years old and probably needs to be put out to pasture but tech isn't my thing and my money always goes to dolls so... I'll keep using it until it finally falls apart and the keys fall off or whatever. Hahaha. I digress...

I first heard about Dresses For Dolls dresses from Sew4Dolls Youtube because she is a huge fan of them. Every time I watch her videos about them I'd think, I need to make an order and tell my sweet readers about these cute dresses! 

So I finally took the plunge when I saw one of her dresses called "Milk and Honey". I knew I had to have that one! Why? Well, if you're a fan of the Bible as I am (groupie might be a better word... I love the Word!) then you know that when God was delivering the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, He promised to bring them to a Promised Land that is flowing with... you guessed it... Milk and Honey. So I had to have it. I also wanted to order a Wellie Wisher sized dress and a 'twinsy' dress of same fabric for my 18inch sized dolls. There was a very cute St Patties Day themed dress in both sizes and given that I love green and St Patties Day, I picked them. 

As Sew4Dolls mentions in her videos, one of the nice things about Dresses For Dolls is the way they package their dresses to be shipped to you. They press them very nicely and stuff them with tissue paper to look almost like they are on a dress form. Very sweet presentation! Especially considering that many of this sweet shoppes dresses are only $5.00!! That's right, $5.00! It would almost cost you that much in materials to make a dress I think... Not to mention all the work that goes into it. So... Such an amazing price. 

See? Isn't that a sweet way to package them? I mean, I think she could charge a little less shipping per dress and mush them into padded envelopes but how nice is it to pull them out perfectly pressed and ready to put on your doll. Very 'boutique' like! 

Here is the Milk & Honey dress right out of the box. 

Aren't they pretty?!

They are also made very well. The back closures are velcro. 

The inside of the dresses are lined and the seams are all surged so they won't fray. My Granny would be impressed. 

They even have a fancy tag for their dresses! Nice touch!

So here is Saige modeling the Milk & Honey Dress. I absolutely love it. 

I haven't gotten a chance to get one of my Wellie sized dolls into the smaller dress to model for you... Not to mention I am thinking I might use the two St Patties dresses at gifts for a Christmas photo shoot... We shall see? In any case, they Wellie dresses are $6.00, due, I imagine, to the extra work it takes to make them since they have sleeves. You can see how they fit if you look at the Wellie sized dresses in her the shoppe. 

So... I am not sure I got here in time to have you order and get some for Christmas but... Perhaps you will get Christmas money and will buy some for yourself. I know I'll certainly be a customer of this cute shoppe going forward and for as long as they keep making such cute dresses at such great prices. 

I better run!

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