Saturday, November 4, 2023

Mini Brands Season One Score on Facebook Auction Group!

Hi Doll Friends!!

I'm sure most of you have heard of the Mini Brands by ZURU toys. I have looked at them for a while but couldn't ever justify spending $10-$15 for a 'grab bag' style of only five mini items. What can I say, I'm far to cheap for that. As luck would have it, on a local Facebook Auction Group I am a member of, low and behold, what would be listed but a whole bag of them! This particular auction groups rules state you have to start all of the auctions on there at only a $1 and the auction duration is only 24hours. Which is kind of neat because it kind of means you get 'local market place value' for whatever you post for the most part. It's easier than eBay posting because there is not any mailing involved, it's usually 'porch pickup' after you pay by CashApp or Venmo or Paypal. Which is exactly like it sounds, you pay, they send you their address and you go pick it up off their porch. So, I bid on them and got the whole bag for only $6.00! Woot!! 

I was so excited to go and pick them up and see what I got in my grab bag! I got so many cool ones and after a bit of research, I realized that the ones I got were mostly (all?) from Season One, the very first! Apparently some of them are worth a few dollars each on eBay!! I doubt I'll sell any them because I like them so much. It'd be so fun to set up a 'grocery store' or 'doll pantry' with them.  

My favorite of all the ones I got were the Kikkoman's Shoyu (soy sauce) ones. Kikkoman is the only brand of shoyu I buy because of all my years in Hawaii. I lived there in my early twenties, my first apartment was in Wahiawa! So that is awesome to have and I am itching to set up a 'restaurant' with them. Because of my time in Hawaii, getting the can of Spam made me smile. 

I've posted photos of how detailed all of the mini brands I got are below. 
Then there are photos I've snagged off the Interwebs to show you the first series checklist etc. 
and what came in some of the other seasons (in the handful photos)
 So, what a fun find! 
Do you have any Mini Brands? Tell me about them in the comments!

Better run!


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