Friday, July 19, 2024

Dollfun World Girls 18inch Doll Emily From Amazon


Hi Doll Friends,

For a while now, Dollfun Dolls have been on my radar. I've been curious about them but not enough to pay $60 for one. It pays to keep items you're interested in on an Amazon shopping list. That is because you can keep an eye on the prices. Which is what I did with Emily, my favorite of the Dollfun doll line. She went on sale for half price! So I got her for only $29.99. 

So I put her in the cart, rang up and she was on her way home to the Doll House. 
Below is a step-by-step photo sequence of the opening. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful she is. The photos of them on Amazon really are not that great. She is lovely honestly. She's got a good 'weight' and is made pretty well. Her outfit seems good quality and she comes with a tennis racket and ball. The ball is smaller than a tennis ball would likely be scale wise, but it's still cute. The box was lackluster really, cute illustrations on the side but not the best quality box, I threw it away without a thought. (Sometimes I'll keep nicer doll boxes to store things in). 

I am very happy to have her in my collection but I don't really think she is worth more than the $29.99 I paid for her. Our Generation and My Life As dolls are made just as well and are in that same approximate price range. So, $60.00 is too much. I understand producing a doll line is probably expensive so I understand why some doll producers price their dolls high but... It has to be worth the cost. 

Do any of you have a Dollfun Doll? I'd love to hear about her and which one you have!

Better run!

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