Saturday, July 13, 2024

Updated Tour Of The Doll Room


Hi Doll Friends!

I've had the photos taken for this blog post for quite a while... I've just found a free hour with nothing in it! So I decided I'd come dash off a few blog posts because I have four or five in my drafts that are just patiently waiting for me to write them. So, as you can see above, my Frann Doll's have a place of prominence in my doll room. When I moved to Alabama in 2020, I left all my dolls behind. I was so sad about it and worried I'd never see them again. So Frann very sweetly sent me her Frann Doll to keep me company. I did end up being able to go back and get most all of my dolls and a the other items that were sentimental to me. So I got 'my' Frann Doll back. So now I have them both. I offered to send Frann's Frann Doll back to her but she very sweetly and generously told me I should keep her to live in the Doll House. She's such a wonderful sister friend!

Above you see the table of my 'premium' dolls displayed together. On the far right are my American Girls. Then to their left, my Maplelea Dolls on top, and Adora Dolls on the bottom. There are also New York Doll Company Dolls and several other brands. I'd list them all here but I only have an hour and I want to get a couple of blog posts done so if you see one you're curious about, just ask me. 

Below that I have my Our Generation Doll collection. Our Generation brand dolls are likely the largest single brand in my collection. They have so many past and current face sculpts in so many different hair and complexion colors that I love them all! I think to myself that I should thin out my collection but I always ask myself "If I didn't have this doll in my collection would I want to buy her?" and if the answer is yes, I generally hang on to them. Having regret about a doll I've gotten rid of has bitten me before and so I am pretty careful to avoid it. Haha. As you see, in front of the Our Gen's are a few other branded dolls dressed in their Fourth of July finery. Sadly, the holiday came and went without me getting the photos done! So I may very well just take them anyway and save them for next year. As fast as time flies, it'll be a blink and it'll be here again, right? 

To the left of the Our Generation Dolls is a large 'bin' of my 'miscellaneous' brand dolls. Meaning dolls I only have a few of... Like my Maru Dolls, my I'm a Girly Dolls etc. Again, if you see one you have a question about, just holler in the comments. 

Here are a few 'close ups' of the dolls I mentioned. 

Then the other side of the doll room has another table full of dolls. I was kind of reticent to show this table to you because, as you can see, the front of the table is a bit of a mess. I end up putting stuff there when I am in the middle of a project or something, a workbench of sorts. So please excuse the mess. If I'd have made the Doll Room as perfect as I'd like to have it, you'd never see it! As you can see below the Journey Girl Dolls, there are 'bins' full of doll clothes, accessories, shoes etc. There are bins like this on the other table (with AG dolls etc) as well, you just can't see them because dolls stand in front of them. Have I mentioned I have a lot of doll stuff! Not bragging! Just the truth! Hahaha.

On the top tier, I have my Journey Girl Dolls. Sadly they've seemingly become less and less popular since Toy's R Us closed down. They still have a 'shop' on Amazon but a good many of the dolls are always sold out. Such a shame because they are such pretty dolls. I digress...

Then to their right I have several My Life As Dolls. I've been meaning to move the My Life Dolls I have in other places in the Doll Room to this same 'bin' but it's just one of many many doll projects I have in my head. Never enough time! 

Then on this part of the table I have some of my 'smaller' dolls like Paola Reina and Wellie Wishers and Battat Little Friends and others. 

Below the tables I have more dolls I only have one or two of and my customized dolls on that top tier 'bin'. In front of them are my 14-inch dolls, Glitter Girls, Melissa and Doug dolls, Citi Pals etc.

Then on the bottom of the other side, all together in a big bin of their own, are all my many boy dolls. Yes, I keep them separate. I don't need any hanky-panky going on in the Doll Room! Hahaha. Many of them are customs I made back when 18-inch boy dolls were not really made. In recent years the boy doll market has exploded so I have lots of the ones they've come out with too. 

To the right of the first table I showed you is a big room divider I use to keep the doll room and the home office (where I work) separate. We also use the home office as a guest room when we have people to stay. A lot of people wouldn't exactly like 300 (??) dolls staring at them while they sleep. Haha. It also keeps my dog out of that part of the room. He's gotten pretty good about knowing that he isn't allowed to play with dolls but there is no need to tempt him to be naughty. 

These are all blankets/throws that I keep laying on top of my dolls so they won't get quite as dusty. It means they aren't as prettily displayed but dust is a pain! I took them all off for the tour though. 

This is the doll closet. I finally got my other hanging racks put up in there so, as you can see, I have four tiers I can hang clothes on. If I didn't have bins and bins and bins of doll clothes, there wouldn't be enough room. But I love having the hanging space.

See, it goes pretty far back into this 'alcove' in the closet...

Then, in the cupboard, I have boxes and boxes of doll accessories as well. Most of the clear ones are food. 

Above I have doll boxes full of... You guessed it, more doll stuff. I need to start selling some of it. Time! I need more!

On the walls I've hung hooks to hold my doll carrying bags and...

Doll chairs and benches. I think they look kind of neat hung up like this.

I have a few doll chairs... What's funny is they aren't nearly all hung up either. Just what I had space on the walls for. 

Then this closet also serves as a place to store the supplies for my other hobby, card making. I like to make cards for the women in my church and friends I have all over the country. 

On the door of the closet is where I store all my baby-sibling dolls

On this side of the room divider, I have a couple of my most precious doll dresses hung for display. There are actually more now, I needed to get more hooks. 

There is also a dog bed for my Ozzy. Here he is hanging out with me as I take the photos. He's such a sweet dog. 

When I work in the daytime I often open up this little side of the room divider so I can have my dolls there to cheer me as I do my job. 

Here are the pictures I have hung in the office side... Mostly scriptures, crosses, and, pictures of children with dolls or pets. 

Here is my desk where I work. It is a 'standing' desk that I can sit or stand at. Helps my back to not ache from sitting all the time. The antique suitcases to the left of it are filled with pretty fabric to use when I start sewing for my dolls again.

Well... That's it for now, I'm out of time for today. I have to go change out of my nightgown before my friend gets here for coffee! LOL



  1. Once upon a time my sister had a dog named Ozzy. Best dog ever. He's over the rainbow bridge now, and my sister still mourns him.

    You've done a lovely job with your room, and you've got a lovely collection of custom kids.

    1. Thank so much! :) Dogs stay in our hearts forever. I had a dog in my early 20s named Sadie and Oz looks like her. Which is why he likely came home to us. Yeah for dogs and dollies! :)
