Thursday, October 10, 2019

My Life As Doll Scientist Doll Came Home & Then Went Back To Walmart!

Hi Doll Friends!!

Oy! Holy Technical Problems Batman! 
I've been trying to get this blog posted for a couple of days. I had the great idea of trying to start posting from the road via a tablet... I installed Blogger and had this entire blog post written up and ready to go. After much aggrivation and annoyance actually and then... Nothing. I wouldn't post. When I come to Blogger here on my laptop, the draft isn't even there. So, so much for Blogger's App. It stinks like yesterdays diapers. Oh well... Enough about that.

My sweet husband listens to me and when I mention a new doll I am interested in he will oftentimes surprise me with one... Much like a husband bringing his wife flowers but I like dolls. So... When he heard me talking about the new Scientist Doll at Walmart he decided to get me one. 

I was so excited and set about opening her up to show ya'll right away...

Here are close up photos of the accessories she comes with....

And a few more....

and even more...

Here is the photo on the back of the box... I haven't seen the other Scientist Doll in real life before. 

More photos from back of box...

And  a photo of some of the current season's dolls. There are some cute outfits but I don't see the new face sculpt on any of them...? How strange. 

And I love the new sculpt!

When I got her out of the box the first thing I noticed was her hair... What is up with this My Life as Doll? It's so sparsely plugged that it looks ridiculous! Why?! 

I didn't notice this until I tried to stand her up but... She was defective! One of her legs was like an inch shorter than the other one and bent inwards...? 

Now I've kept 'defective' dolls before... But, given my utter horror and dissatisfaction with her grossly under-plugged hair, I decided she was going back to the store. 

Isn't it terrible!

Another sweet thing my husband did when he bought the doll was, when he heard me talking about the new items at Walmart, he also heard me say that I didn't get to take photos of the display for my post because they hadn't stocked it yet... So... He took some photos of it for me! What a swell guy! 

He took them of both sides! Fabulous!

As you can see, it wasn't fully stocked that day either but it was much better than totally empty!

When I went back to take the doll back I took more photos of the newer things more close up... Here is a candy machine... 

And this blogging set called to me but I wasn't sure I needed or wanted it for sure... As I type this I am thinking to myself 'why'??? I could've gotten it with the returned doll money (That I totally spent on doll stuff, lets get real!) but I bought three of the small accessories sets instead!

Here is another new item. Cute idea! Animal Rescue!

Dog houses!

Fooseball! Actually it's a five in one game play set...

And in case you don't want the Scientist Doll but like her clothes, they have a set you can buy separately! It's not exactly the same but the skirt has that cute fabric of the Scientist Doll's dress.

This is a cute candy themed set!

And this is fabulous! I don't think I'll buy it because I already have many of the components!

Ugh! Out of time!
More in next post! Including which sets I bought!!

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