Friday, October 18, 2019

Style Girls 18 Inch Dolls At Big Lots!

Happy Friday Doll Friends!!

I stopped in to Big Lots the other day when I was out and about and went looking in their toy department to see what doll items they might have. I was delightfully surprised at the great selection they had for 18 inch dolls in their Style Girls Dolls

I had to keep telling myself I didn't need a new doll... I have a couple of Style Girls and since I have so many dolls, I need to stop keeping multiples of every single doll line! Eh?

They really are very pretty dolls especially for only $20. I am sad to report I didn't check them out as good as I might've if I'd had more time. I didn't even notice until this morning as I'm writing this and posting the photos that the 18 inch ones have actual names... I can't recall if the one I bought so long ago had a name? In any case I feel bad because I didn't think to take a photo of every box, just every doll face. *sigh* I also forgot to check and see if they had soft bodies or fully plastic ones? So if any of you happen to go see them perhaps you can report in comments?! With that being said, here is what I saw:

The eyes on these dolls are gorgeous!! I mean, like, drop dead gorgeous. I think this little gal (above) was my favorite of all of them. 

She's a twin to her but she has different hair style...

This poor little gal looks like her mother cut her bangs and not so well... 

A couple of them had marks on their faces like the one above... 
Not sure if it would come off or what it is? 

I think this girl had her face smashed in somehow? 
It looks more narrow than the others and... Just a little 'off'. What do you think?

Here are the 14inch ones. Same one's I've seen before but with different outfits. They are $15 each.

They had cute outfits for them though!

They also had a lot of accessories for the dolls! They had the workout set (above).

A laptop set.

Or a baking set for $6 a set. 

They also had clothes! They had two sets of four outfits for $28 which were adorable and if I didn't have doll clothes running out my ears, I might've bought them. I noted that the tshirt (above) that says "LOVE" on it had the same design on a shirt I got a few years ago from My Life As Doll in one of their multiple outfit packs. Makes me wonder if these were made by same company?

They had a doll bed that reminded me a lot of the old My Life As Doll bed I have in turquiose. I wonder if they'd stack? The ones from My Life As Doll now are thinner... Hmmm...

They had these cute plush chairs for $12.

And doll sleeping bags... Don't recall price and it isn't in photo. Drat. 

They also had $8 outfits that come with shoes! There is the ballet one that is in photo of the workout set above and these four. 

I also saw this baby doll set. The outfits are fabulous! 

I better run!

1 comment:

  1. I have the My Life As t-shirt, I too bought that multi-outfit set!
