Greeting and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I know you may be surprised by this information but I haven't owned my own American Girl Doll before. We have two in the house but they both belong to my daughter. I've wanted one ever since they were Pleasant Company back in the 1990s but never splurged and bought myself one. This year for my birthday, when I turned 43 mind you, I asked for one for one as my gift and my husband told me to pick one out and order it. Here she is!! I've had her about a month and was so excited I didn't even post about her at the time or do an 'opening' post or anything. I bought this one because I think she looks a lot like my daugher Lilly. So... Naturally she is named Lilly. I love love love her. More on her soon!!
Here she is in the box!

And what she looked like on the website. I am sure you'll be seeing a lot of her going forward as I get back into sewing and photographing my dolls. I STILL don't have my sewing machine out!! Oy! That is so happening this weekend! Between unpacking the house and trying to get ready for Christmas and working and and and and and... Just not enough time to play dolls!! Boo!! But... At least I always have 'something' I am looking forward to doing all the time. Right?
Till next time!
Congradulations on the wonderful birthday gift.