Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Doll Finds At Goodwill! Santa Claus Comes Home To The Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends!

I couldn't heeeeeeeelp it!!
They jumped into my caaaaaaart!!
I'm. Not. Even. Sorry.

Because when you find an Our Generation Doll and Journey Girl Doll at Goodwill for only 99cents each? 
You buy them. 


They are in pretty good shape other than some scrapes and marks here and there...

I imagine they'll both become customized dolls because I do so love to make them. Then again, their hair seems to be in pretty good shape so.... Who knows? 

Guess who was still at Goodwill?? Santa from the post the other day

The Christmas stuff was on sale for half off! So it's so good I waited! I couldn't help myself, space consuming though he may be, Santa had to come home. I am actually thinking about taking off his head and putting it on an 18 inch doll. Perhaps even the doll I bought and mentioned in the same post as the one I told you about Santa in the first place

Then there were a few things I didn't buy but wanted to show you. I almost bought this little lady to steal her clothes for other dolls but then felt bad about it and didn't do it. Looking at her gorgeous little dress now I am kind of going "Why?! You could've re-dressed her in a different outfit to donate her!!" Oy... Then again, I can't buy all the things!

This baby doll cradle was really cool but... Baby dolls are not my thing... Then I didn't buy those little pastel buckets and am really kicking myself for not doing so... They were 99c each though and as I put them next to the dolls I was getting for same price it just seemed too expensive. Hahaha. The way I think is so twisted sometimes. 

Then this is totally unrelated to dolls but... I just thought this bust of a woman compelling and very nearly bought her even though she is utterly unlike anything I own and I don't even know where I'd put her? I guess because she reminded me of my mother-in-love (she was more my mother than my own was... Long story...) because she had a very ornate house and had a bust very much like this one that she called Rita. So...
To stay off the Hoarding Shows I took a photo to just show you instead.
Thank you.

Gotta run!

PS this was tag on bottom of the bust lady...

And a cute doll I saw but didn't buy...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Heather,
    Could you please tell me what you think about the African Starpath doll? I am thinking about buying her, but I am not sure. On some pictures it seems as she has a shiny face (I don't know how to explain it in English)? What do you think about her hair?
    Thanks for your help.

