Thursday, June 27, 2019

Fabulous Fabric Yard Sale Find! Thrift Store Finds As Well!!

Hi Doll Friends!

Pamela Doll is here modeling a vest/top I made this week with some fabric I got from a yard sale last Friday...

I got all this fabric for like $1.75! Each of the little bundles were 25cents each! 
Such cute fabrics patterns! These bundles wouldn't really be useful to anyone other than quilters or people who, like me, like to made doll clothes. So it was a perfect find for me!

This fabric with the travel trailers on it made me literally giggle out loud when I found it in the bundles. I literally had to move it to the front of the line and make something strait away!

I took each bundle out and tried to photograph them so you could get a taste of what fabulous fabric I got! I love these bright Christmas patterns (above) because they aren't the typical greens and reds but instead bright blues and pinks and purples! Fun!

Here's a few more... Aren't they fantastic!?

I love these Christmas fabrics too (above) especially the blue one!

This dinosaur fabric made me smile. (I washed all the fabric when I brought it home since it hadn't been pre-washed and also had been in storage for a while I think...)

Pinks and reds! 


This was actually a portion of a fat quarter set I'd seen at Walmart... Cute! Love the green 'sweet pea' print!

These were fantastic to find! They are reproductions from 1940s cloth! Pretty neat!

Again with the bright holidat fabric but this one is from Easter. Look at those beautiful eggs!?

Then at some thrift stores I found some doll clothes patterns (one for 99c and one for 49c) and a bag of colored threads all for $2.00! 

I also got these neat pewter figurines at one of the thrift stores too! Heather Doll has some very much like them in her room so how could I not?

This Ms Piggy Doll was a promotional item from Blockbuster Video store back in the day... I had to get her because I had a Mrs Piggy Doll when I was a girl so I had to get her for Heather Doll's room as well!

Then there are the items I didn't get but wanted to show you as well! This little Shirley Temple Doll is so cute! 

I smiled at these doll lamps. 

This Sindy Doll by Pedigree was interesting to me... Not a fashion doll person but I had to show ya'll anyway in case one of you recognize her and get a smile. :) 

These little bags of porcelain dolls gave me pause because they'd have been pretty much just the right size for the Doll House... But I decided against them...

They really are rather fabulous though...

Then I saw this little lady... She was forlornly flung on the toy shelf where she would've likely seen a sad end... So I moved her to the top at least hoping to save her from such a fate. I'd never really seen a porcelain doll like her before... So I figured I'd show her to you as well...

She was about the height of Barbie Dolls...

She had cute petticoats etc... 

Here is her cute tidy little bun. 

These dolls made me smile. They were very popular in the 1960s and 1970s and while I never had one personally I had many many friends who did. They were usually a lot larger than these and these would've fit right in in the Doll House but... I passed on them anyway. 

So pretty though!

I used this little gal I found at a thrift store as a 'model' for this tractor. Looking at it right now I am like "Why didn't I get it?!' But... I have only so much room!

Here is my volunteer model in a chair I saw...

It looked like it was made out of twigs?

These doors were pretty cool... A smidge too short for 18inch dolls but still they might've been able to work as props in the doll house but... They were $3.99 each and I just didn't have a surplus of doll mad money so... I left them there. 

Here is the volunteer doll, which I did end up buying because I am weak and I couldn't stand to fling her back on the shelf when I'd put her to work already. 

Better run!


  1. Love your blog...and your spirit!

  2. Oh, you lucked out on the little doll. That's an Our Generation Lori doll. Congrats on the great find :)
