Friday, June 14, 2019

Starpath Doll Wandering Star Compared to Our Generation and City Girls Dolls

Hi Doll Friends!

Per a request from a reader (Hi Reader!), I am posting a side by side comparison of my recently acquired Starpath Wandering Star Doll alongside one of my Our Generation dolls, Blue, and one of my City Girls Doll, Harper. My reader was curious as to the 'shininess' of the 'skin' on the Starpath doll and I thought the best way to answer her question was to show her comparison to dolls she might be more familiar with. 
Here they are! 
Let me know if that answers your question sufficiently dear reader!
 (Seriously, if not let me know and I'll try again. 😁) 

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,
    Thank you very much for the pictures so I can compare them.
    I don't see any shininess on her face. The starpath doll I have (the blonde one) has it a little bit.
    A time ago, there was a nice reduction on these dolls, but not anymore. At a full price they are expensive (around 95 euros).
    I also find it difficult to find clothes for this kind of doll (most of my dolls are slimmer).
    So, I am not sure yet if I will buy another one. But I do think she is lovely and has a very beautiful face!
    So, thank you again for your help...

