Monday, June 17, 2019

My Life As Doll Brand Desk & Chair Set and Wheelchair Find At Goodwill!


How can I not? 
Nevermind I am going to need a bigger house...
and probably end up on the doll-sized hoarding show...

But when you can get all this ^^^ for like $13.00, how can you not buy it? Right?

I've actually wanted but refrained from buying the My Life As Doll desk... I just knew I'd eventually find one second hand and I finally did. I found the little chair that goes with it on a totally different shelf in a totally different aisle of the store but was so stoked to find it! The other accessories that come with the set when it's new are things I have quite a few of so...

The little babies are the newer kind they sell at Target I think...? They are the same size as my other baby sibling dolls and I've looked at them new and also refrained from buying them. I have so many baby sibling dolls by now and I still not sure what I think of their painted on faces? But for 59c each I couldn't help but just grab them and bring them home. 

I also found this baby sibling car seat... I need to make some manner of  padded insert I think but for $1.25, I had to get it. 

I made a little 'progressive photography' story of my newest Starpath Doll showing you the new items...

Here she is checking out all the cabinets and drawers.

Demonstrating how the wheelchair breaks down so you can fit it the trunk of your car. :)

Then I had Dallas and Layla come by to help her clean them up...

Then of course I had to set up a scene with the new furniture items!

I did leave some doll items at the store, hard though it may have been... 
Only so much space...

I really really wanted this swing... The price was ok, like $8.00! But it was ginormous... As I see it now I am kicking myself... Who cares!! It's so cool! 
Maybe it'll be there next time but... I doubt it. 

A cute doll sized dresser... I have so many...! But am always tempted to buy more when I see them anyway. Haha.

This cute doll bench was probably scaled a bit too large for 18inch dolls but would be a cute place to store them I think. 

Another dresser cabinet... 

Had I not found the other doll items that day, this little bench probably would've come home with me. I have three chairs much like it and am actually annoyed at myself for talking myself into taking it out of the shopping buggy. Oh well... You can't have all the doll furniture, right?

This little My Life As Doll couch might've come home with me too should I not have found the other items... My husband was with me, waiting out in his truck making a phone call while I shopped or I might've. As it was I already carried a pretty sizable bag to the truck. 

It unfolds into a little bed! So cute!

I won't lie, this little beauty went in my cart for a few minutes. Her dress is adorable! Not really the style I've been dressing my dolls in for the last few years though. (I have started dressing my dolls mostly like, well, ME. Hahaha! Or the person they are styled after in real life... I digress) She is a Robins Woods Doll and I actually used to have one like her. I purged all my 'non-American Girl type' dolls a while ago because of space issues and so it would've been silly to buy her.
 But she's cute!

These little tea pots were cute too but...

I better run!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,

    Wauw!! What you did with the 2 OGdolls... They look as new...
    I love the pictures of the dolls with the new furniture. I really enjoy looking at these beautiful scenes (I don't know if that is the right English word) you make.
    No, that is not hoarding that you are doing. You really appreciate your dolls and take care of them and it is so nice that you share this hobby with us. I just feel your enthusiasm through your words and the pictures you make... That resonates with me so much. I also like dolls and I can't help it. Sometimes I say to myself that I am not going to buy dolls anymore... But after one or two days, I have already changed my mind. I really enjoy them so much...just as you... So, thank you for sharing...

