Saturday, June 1, 2019

Our Generation Rashida Arrives At The Doll House! Also Inflatable Pool Toys For The Beach House!

Hi Again Doll Friends,

I am weak!! 
When gifted with any amount of money, what do I buy?
What else? 

I've been looking at Rashida from Our Generation for a while now. I kept talking myself out of her though because I already had one of this face sculpt and I am trying to be practical! She's just so beautiful though so I finally decided why not? I have quite a few of the 'original' OG sculpt, why not have multiples of this beautiful sculpt as well? Then, given I still had money, I threw in a new swimming suit! Can never have too many now that we have the Doll Beach House

I've gotten her out of the box at home and actually changed her into the suit but just haven't had an opportunity to take photos. I am hoping to get a lot of photos done this weekend though, I want to photograph 'at' the beach house. I'm thinking I might keep the name Rashida. I love Rashida Jones and the name itself so... Why not? 

Speaking of the beach, when I was on Amazon, I found this nine pack of drink floaties for only $9.97. So I popped one in cart and you'll see them when I get them photo'd with the beach house photos I plan to take later. 

I think they'll be pretty cute. I've got other drink holding inflatables you can see in my beach post's but I can't seem to find a post about them specifically. I thought I remembered doing one but who knows, sometimes blog posts never make it out of my mind I guess. 

Have a fantastic weekend! I'll hope you're somewhere warm and sunny!

1 comment:

  1. Rashida is beautiful! Can't wait to see her out of the box. What a great way to get doll floaties! Love your blog. Have a great week!
